SIYAZI 25 YEARS Book 2021 - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)



S IYAZ I © Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission from the publisher. 3S Media 46 Milkyway Avenue, Frankenwald, 2090 PO Box 92026, Norwood 2117 Tel: +27 (0)11 233 2600 | Printed by: Novus Print Montague Gardens SIYAZI: Celebrating 25 Years of Professional Transport Engineering Solutions First Edition Written by: Shanna Jacobsen Designed by: Beren Bauermeister Edited by: Tristan Snijders For SIYAZI, Ronelle Lock Photographer Alwyn Viljoen (page 37 image of Boy Zondi) 03 FOREWORD Mr Sias Oosthuizen | CEO, SIYAZI 04 WHO IS SIYAZI? About SIYAZI 06 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL TAXI COUNCIL Phillip Taaibosch | President, Santaco 08 TIMELINE FROM INCEPTION TO DATE A SIYAZI Roadmap 10 ACHIEVEMENT SNAPSHOT Company accolades 12 SIYAZI FOOTPRINT SIYAZI branches + staff 14 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING + PLANNING Project case study: A Re Yeng 16 DATA + SURVEYS 17 TECHNOLOGY 18 MAJOR PROJECTS Colour-coding and other notable industry developments 20 SIYAZI TEAM SPIRIT Team building + year-ends 22 SIYAZI’S PEOPLE 23 CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE A word from Mr Leon Roets | Partner and Director, SIYAZI 24 SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS 38 POLICY + LEGISLATION Laws that determine how the industry operates 39 COVID-19 RESPONSE Safeguarding the transport industry 40 COMMUNITY OUTREACH + YOUTH Supporting and enriching communities 42 TRAINING + CAPACITY BUILDING 43 ACCESS TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 44 SIYAZI’S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 45 ESILUX 46 UKUSEBENZISANA 47 INGWE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS 48 IN MEMORIAM

FOREWORD FROM THE CEO I started SIYAZI in 1996 but my interest and passion for the transport industry began well before this. I have been involved in the sector for more than 40 years, having qualified in the early 1970s. During this time, I have produced various papers and studies – both independently as well as co-authoring these with colleagues and partners throughout the years – presenting these to both public and private sector. SIYAZI was created with a clear purpose and that was to be a key transport specialist in South Africa and the continent through effective, sustainable empowerment and skills transfer to provide transport solutions that favour job creation. I believe that, together with my team, we have achieved this objective but because of the dynamic nature of the Our collective journey at the SIYAZI Group of Companies has not been an easy one but it is one that we can say has been an exceptionally rewarding. It is also one that I am personally deeply honoured and humbled to be a part of, and this celebration album is a showcase of our work throughout the years. transport industry, this will and must be a constant work in progress. It is for this reason that the sustainability and continuity of SIYAZI remain at the forefront of how we operate. To my team and all our industry partners and affiliates, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and contribution, not just to SIYAZI but to the transport sector as a whole. I can say with conviction that we have done many great things for this industry, which we have proudly documented in these pages and that I hope you will enjoy! Here’s to the next 25 years of SIYAZI! Sias Oosthuizen W H AT A ROA D WE’VE TRAVELLED! YEARS OF SIYAZI:

WHO IS SIYAZI? ABOUT SIYAZI After 25 years in operation, SIYAZI has grown from having just one office in Gauteng to having a physical presence in the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and the North West. The company operates nationally and also consults to transport departments in Southern Africa. SIYAZI’s core offering focuses on public transport planning, as well as traffic engineering. This encompasses municipal, residential and commercial developments. Together with key role players, SIYAZI is impacting communities and making a difference to the lives of many South Africans by ensuring the delivery of effective solutions that meet the needs of the people. In addition to some of SIYAZI’s services – which include the development of transport systems and planning, GIS development, The SIYAZI Group of Companies is a transport specialist that provides a range of services across both the public and private sectors. public transport planning and management, traffic engineering and demand management, transport impact and analysis, policy and strategy guidelines – the company plays an important role in the unity of the transport industry. SIYAZI has, in the past, advised both government and industry, and we always strive to ensure public participation as far as possible. We have been an active component in conflict resolution and, through our involvement, have helped bring peace and stability to the taxi industry in particular. We know how to make contact with role players at different levels and how to communicate on each level. As part of our mission, we at SIYAZI hope to build a strong, equitable and prosperous transport sector in South Africa as well as on the African continent. We aim to achieve this through sustainable empowerment and skills transfer that stimulate job creation. Transport Planning GIS Development Traffic Engineering Economic & Funding Services Traffic Demand Management Policy & Strategy Development 4 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 5 S IYAZ I ABOUT SIYAZI SIYAZI’s approach is reflected in its logo. We speak to people within communities and at a grassroots level to ensure that the solutions we intend to provide truly meet the needs of the people. We do so by engaging with all individuals who may be impacted by a project or development. We then provide feedback to policymakers to ensure that the lives and livelihoods of these individuals are not just safeguarded but that this has a positive socio-economic knock-on effect.

6 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SANTACO With vast experience in leadership positions, Phillip Taaibosch, President of Santaco, shares insights on his time working in the taxi industry and with SIYAZI. My real activity within the taxi industry started around 1990 when there were preparations for the formation of a transport forum and the Peace Committee. I was invited to a meeting and was then elected to serve in the local transportation forum as its secretary in Welkom. I was then approached by a number of taxi associations and told me that they want me to be part of the leadership of the regional structures. I was active in the formation of a united taxi body as proposed by Nelson Mandela. I started regionally, which took me provincial and, eventually, national. A body called Sataco was established but, because certain people were unhappy, this was not supported. In the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, Sias Oosthuizen was known as a transport engineer, and he had so much interest in the taxi industry. He became one of the bravest white people. He has been working with different taxi organisations and associations – to the extent that when the first Taxi Recapitalisation programme started, SIYAZI wanted people to form a unified front. They supported the transformation that was led by Dullah Omar the then Minister of Transport in the year 2000, which led to the formation of Santaco. Sias played a big role in the unity within the taxi industry. He was in all the meetings, even when there were fights, you would find this umkhulu. He has been sincere in his involvement and wants to see the industry succeed. Not once during any meeting did he underestimate himself. As the national President of Santaco, I can say Sias continues to be of assistance to the taxi industry at no cost to it. What I admire most about SIYAZI is that nobody told them to transform. I recall Sias telling me that he wanted to help young people in his company. I then began to see young black people in his company. I want to wish SIYAZI well in their 25th year of existence. I wish them another 25 years of success in which they grow and become stronger. SIYAZI’s relationship with the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) has spanned the entirety of its existence, from its establishment in 2001 to present day. SANTACO SIYAZI was empowering black South Africans long before BEE.” Phillip Taaibosch, President, Santaco Mr Sias Oosthuizen attends the Santaco 2018/19 AGM

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 7 SANTACO Santaco Regional Taxi Council of Msunduzi organised a sports event for the industry in Pietermaritzburg in 2017, which SIYAZI supported Santaco’s Women’s Desk hosted a fun walk / run in Tshwane together with the Greater Tshwane Regional Taxi Council, where SIYAZI was a sponsor

TIMELINE FROM INCEPTION TO DATE S IYAZ I SIYAZI Transportation & Services is established in June 1996. In the same year, it develops the first colour-coded routes for taxis 2005 SIYAZI Nkangala Transportation Services is established 1996

TIMELINE FROM INCEPTION TO DATE SIYAZI establishes SIYAZI Gauteng, SIYAZI Free State and SIYAZI Limpopo 2002 2004 2018 2015 SIYAZI grows its footprint and launches SIYAZI Thula in January 2004 SIYAZI Legacy Holdings is registered SIYAZI North West launches to service and support projects in the North West province SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 9

10 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ACHIEVEMENT SNAPSHOT Following violence and conflict that results in the needless deaths of many, SIYAZI becomes instrumental in bringing about greater peace and unity within the taxi industry through the establishment of a number of Transport Liaison Committees SIYAZI develops guidelines and recommendations for the first Current Public Transport Records surveys in Gauteng In 1999, South Africa’s government announces the Taxi Recapitalisation programme, with SIYAZI driving a major portion of discussions Government issues a tender and appoints the SIYAZI Consortium to manage taxi scrapping processes in all provinces

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 11 ACHIEVEMENT SNAPSHOT SIYAZI is appointed by various municipalities to advise on their Integrated Public Transport Networks SIYAZI wins a SAICE Award for Excellence in Engineering for the Polokwane Passenger Transport System, designed by Leon Roets SIYAZI develops a colour-coded system for the routes followed by the taxi industry. While this is yet to be rolled out, the system aims to provide clarity on routes for taxi operators and the general commuting public SIYAZI negotiates the management of transport provision for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in eThekwini, KZN and Polokwane, Limpopo In a bid to create an equitable transport industry, the Taxi industry is given 30% dividends in the TSA and in 2019, 60% in the revised TRSA


SIYAZI FOOTPRINT STRUCTURE S IYAZ I SIYAZI Limpopo Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd – Polokwane SIYAZI Gauteng Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd – Tshwane SIYAZI Transportation Services Free State (Pty) Ltd – Bloemfontein SIYAZI Thula Transportation Planning (Pty) Ltd – Pietermaritzburg SIYAZI North West Transport (Pty) Ltd – Mahikeng SIYAZI Nkangala Transportation Services (Pty) Ltd – Mbombela 01 02 03 04 05 06 SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 13 LIMPOPO S IYAZ I N K A N G A L A S IYAZ I NORTH WEST S IYAZ I THULA S IYAZ I F R E E S TAT E S IYAZ I GAUTENG S IYAZ I

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING + PLANNING 14 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SIYAZI’s expertise, among other services, is centred on traffic engineering and planning. We have been part of several major projects within South Africa and conducted impact assessments and studies for massive commercial developments such as shopping centres, fuel filling stations, as well as residential areas. In addition, we provide solutions for the setting and synchronisation of traffic lights. We have also compiled parking studies, including the determination of parking policy, parking area layout, parking demand and parking supply. With public transport transformation and industry transition playing a significant role in the success of the roll-out of the Tshwane Rapid Transit (TRT) project, committees were established as the official channel of communication in line with the memorandum of agreement between the City and the Tshwane Taxi Industry (TTI). These committees were: 1 Taxi Industry Project Management Unit Steering Committee (TIPMUSC) – chaired by Mmakanaga Shai, Deputy Director: Transport Stakeholder Liaison and Communication Management, City of Tshwane (CoT): Roads and Transport Department, where all technical issues were dealt with before being escalated to the principals from both parties. 2 Joint Steering Committee (JSC) – chaired by the Head of IRPTN Specialised Unit or Head of Department to deal with policy issues emanating from TIPMUSC and provide direction. 3 Super Structure Committee (SSC) – the highest decision-making structure. Chaired by the City Manager, it was also responsible for dealing with disputes emanating from JSC and TIPMUSC. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING + PLANNING Designing the ultimate integrated transport system General commuting public General commuting public Parkades and feeder hubs with nearby residential and suburban dwellings Drop-off zones with notraffic zone in the centre

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING + PLANNING PROJECT CASE STUDY: A RE YENG SIYAZI has played a key role in the rollout of several integrated transport plans, including establishing intermodal facilities and implementing processes to streamline these systems. During the Tshwane Rapid Transit (TRT) project, which is the City of Tshwane’s bus rapid transit (BRT) system, also known as A Re Yeng (ARY), the City of Tshwane (CoT) appointed the SIYAZI Consortium to provide technical support to the minibus taxi operators affected by the planning, design, construction and operations of the TRT project. This meant SIYAZI was responsible for: • Providing general project management support (reports, advice) on behalf of the affected minibus taxi operators in all aspects affecting the taxi industry during the transition period • Legal and contractual services during all negotiations • Providing technical advice on all reports developed by the IRPTN Specialised Unit to the affected operators and advising the affected operators accordingly • Developing appropriate capacity for the affected operators to ensure that they fully understood the rationale of the TRT system and its impact on the industry • Assisting affected operators to set up legal entities to benefit from the value chain framework • Transforming the existing taxi operators into entities, which assisted them towards the new business structure for the bus operating company (BOC) of A Re Yeng BRT service • Providing legal advice on all legal documents drafted by both the IRPTN and the TRT specialised units • Conducting workshops as and when required to capacitate the industry for their new role in the BOC • Assisting affected operators in the negotiations and finalising the potential equity stake in the BOC • Providing business advice to the operators on the election/selection and appointment of board members and management structures • Acting as financial advisors during the negotiations covering the bus operating contract with potentially affected operators • Providing technical support on any matters relating to the TRT to the taxi leadership. SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 15 SIYAZI’S INTEGRATED TRANSPORT PLANNING SERVICES Information from an excerpt of an interview with Mmakanaga Shai, Deputy Director: Transport Stakeholder Liaison and Communication Management, City of Tshwane: Roads and Transport Department

16 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION In 2020, SIYAZI did away with paper-based surveys and moved over to a digital system. This allows us to collate information in a far more seamless, accurate and environmentally friendly way. SIYAZI relies heavily on data to best guide and inform its projects. One of the means we use is surveys conducted on-site and across households. These remain key to ensuring the transport industry can make informed decisions regarding certain growth and development objectives in addition to the roll-out of several projects. Our surveys have played a key role in leading to the successful implementation of the following: 1. Taxi Recapitalisation Programme 2. The IRPTN in the City of Tshwane and Ekurhuleni municipalities 3. The establishment of a number of transport forums 4. Rank design. Through our data surveys, we are also able to provide: a) GPS-based data collection b) Economic information c) Land use information d) General data collection, e.g. traffic counts, origin-destination surveys, household surveys, number-plate surveys and opinion polls e) Current Public Transport Records (CPTR). SIYAZI’s surveys form a strong component within our impact studies to provide more holistic insights. In addition, individuals from local, previously disadvantaged communities are also employed on a temporary basis from time to time whenever field surveys are undertaken. DATA + SURVEYS DATA + SURVEYS SIYAZI’s database development process Capturing of data Processing of data Presentation of data in database Traffic modelling

TRT TRUNK ROUTE, AND FEEDERS ROUTE Pretoria Scientia Waltloo Waverley Villieria Groenkloof Eersterus Capital Park Rietfontein Salvokop Arcadia Faerie Glen Silverton Weskoppies Lynnwood Skanskop Waterkloof Pretoria CBD Mountain View Phillip Nel Park Brooklyn Pretoria West Daspoort Gezina Prinshof Hermanstad Hatfield Queenswood Derdepoort AH Rietondale Florauna Thaba-Tshwane Pretoria North Menlo Park Sunnyside Murrayfield Kilner Park East Lynne Wonderboom Annlin Lynnwood Glen Magalieskruin Pretoria Industrial Riviera Ninapark Wonderboom South Lynnwood Ridge Derdepoort De Wilgers Snake Valley Suiderberg Moregloed Pretoria Gardens Meyerspark Colbyn Mayville Kirkney Muckleneuk Garsfontein Sinoville Bryntirion Menlyn Montana Park Lynnwood Manor Waterkloof Ridge Technikon Rant Roseville Val de Grace Eloffsdal Lukasrand Montana Park Exts New Muckleneuk Wonderboom Nature Reserve Pumulani AH Montana Ext 2 Hillcrest Parktown Estate Wespark Ekklesia Lindo Park Asiatic Bazaar Les Marais Lyttelton Eastwood Weavind Park Montana Tuine La Montagne Newlands Sinoville Ext Claremont Jan Niemand Park Ashlea Gardens Pretoria University & Schools Lydiana Proclamation Hill Bailey's Muckleneuk Brummeria Deerness Maroelana Bellevue Derdepoort Park Trevenna Koedoespoort Industrial Wonderboom AH General Kemp Heuwel Alphen Park Hazelwood Waterkloof Glen Lynnwood Park Colbyn Valley Mayville Brummeria Exts Florapark Eastmead Pretoria University Sports Grounds Sterrewag Waterkloof Park Dorandia Wapadrand N1 N4 Berg Schoeman Pretorius South Atterbury 24th 30th Park Proes Ivor 14th Main Pretoria 11th Braam Pretorius 32nd 31st Charles 5th Albert Veda 26th Trouw Fry Moot Breyer Lynnwood 29th Irvine Zambezi Marais Flowers 18th Milner Mitchell Dely Lys Denyssen Bloed Walter Michael Brink Ulundi Frates Voortrekkers Sarel 28th Walker 16th Daphne Dorp Soutter Blyde Church De Beer 27th 19th Naude Marija Booysen R513 Collins Pierneef Moulton Lynette Lawson Meyer Visagie Ella Andries Swaan Struben 23rd Starkey Lawley Carl Ben Swart Louise Malherbe Bosman Vermeulen Weir Anderson Arcadia Rist Franzina Aries 10th Moreleta Hertzog Cussonia Berea Uil Myburgh Burnett High Green Besembiesie Nelson Mande al Leyds 12th Suider Codon ai Taljaard Crots Eloff 25th 21st Eeufees Lanham Murray Cunningham Van Der Hoff Louis Trichardt Clark 33rd Prinsloo President Club Camellia 17th M1 Stead 15th Dickenson Long Bourke Hanny 20th Skinner Dey Reitz 9th 8th Luttig Van Heerden Ernest North Zei el r Krige Al ci e Hilda Kotze Stormvoël Tuin Stormvoel Nicolson Aster Rose Fred Nicholson Malie Moepel Meeu Roper Swemmer Terblanche 7th H F Verwoerd Lynburn Webb Boom Amos Celliers John Vorster Tigris 6th Brooks Mansfield Hendriks Staatsartillerie Brooklyn Brits Johann Rissik Rupert Selikats Potgieter Dequar Troye Dunwoodie Natalie Haarhoff East Jasmyn Frieda Frederika Malan Schurmanns Vos Fakkel Wes Rigel Felix Alcade Olivier Julius Jeppe Bootes C R Swart Stegmann 22nd Hill Sidney 13th Idol Hay Schubart Magalies Melba Mackenzie Kay Abilia Alaska Vista Grace Dormer 4th Rhys Meiring Naude Roger Dyason Bronkhorst Selati Morkel East Alfa Van Wouw Beatr xi 3rd Wenning Ben Schoeman Sannie D F Malan Adco*ck Soutpansberg Bremer Meara Watermeyer George Storrar Van Riebeeck Zambesi Roos Crown Manitoba Middel Rissik Jacobs Bohlman St Joseph Fauna N1/N4 Florauna Ilkey Maltzan Quagga 34th Ray Van Der Walt Ribbens Herbert Baker Kilnerton Tulbagh Merwede Karel Trichardt Shilling Duncan Mears Hamilton Bali Premier Sibelius Df Malan Totius Acorn Spuy Cobalt Melk Voortrekker Plein Kirkby Haarhoff West Frank Lange Court Dykor Belmont Minni Glenwood University Cobham Servaas Beckett Storey Rossouw Beyers Tait Corry Jennings Lancia Trumper Kuisis Daniel Buffels Hanau Government Klawer Woodlands 2nd Eland Union Wal ot n Vinko Cornel ui s Frederick Nina Gordon Fountain Edmond Grant Roots Rose-Etta Pienaar Knysna Delfos Rebecca Koekoek 1st Jacob Mare Graniet Elsa Christoffel Carnation Rodericks Centre Piet Retief Rubida Mignon Trevor William Karriboom Canopus Bouvardia Theuns Aldo Carlo Ox Jacobson Eastwood N4/N1 Petroleum James Bellis Lois Lombard Leonide Festival Du Toit Stella Lukas Kaberoe Koedoespoort Kloof Preller Magasyn Bergsig Brummer Kamdebo Claremont Carter Ouwerf Edelweiss Richard R573 Jan Smuts Haak Hazelwood Killick Relly Keurboom Spioenkop Baviaanspoort dI a Riekert Wild Russell East Diana Helwan Darling Muller Keuning Dawn Venter Rabie Ingersol Molopo Cresswell Kuskoraal Mvuli Farm Bluegum Elizabeth Eric Bergsering Isabel Christina De Wit Anna Kruin Queens Heloma Paul Kruger Farenden Villa Mimosa Paff Ongers Kei Delphinus Blake Farnham Tom Jenkins Alter Joubert Sophia Carinus Cowgill Conveyor Vom Hagen Lotty Kirkia Morgan Eike Anna Wi sl on Prospect Dunstan Parker Clyde Eagle Umgazi Pine Arizona Boekenhout Farrel Silver Oak Reigers Kings Highway Inez Kelvin Minnaar Eva Mante Heron Nuffie dl Allco*ck Rosemary Owen Viljoen Keet Bond Maldon Gloudina Jacqueline Rivier Cox Soetdoring Industry Varing Soutrivier Republic Herman Bessiebos Hibiscus Serene Kentucky Keyter Wessels Darter Carol Aurora Slater Grobler Ringwood The Grove Johan Retief Helen Bergsma Brandwag Marili Alsatian Solomo R n ood Malgas Van Wyk Mosaic Nevada Lillian Van Der Stell Onida Hercules Schutte Floresta Dr Savage Balsaminie Doreen Cliffendale Baines Patriot Snyman Stephan Elveram Casper Koch Da Gama Susan Irving Wildevy Freeland Ketjen Bosch Fehrsen Hans Coverdale North Taurus Hadeda De Boulevard Scheiding Scoter Rhode Ps Fourie Eclipse Wisteria Visvanger Willies Hill Teresa Nicola Anne Marie Lievaart Genl Beyers Filander Cowie Moller Boundary Dereks Enkeldoorn Arthur Rayner Horridus Verbenia Charbury Furst Kariba Watt Cedar Buitekant Platt Manser Asetileen Nagtegaal Kruger Smith Snowy Walker Van Rensburg John Sydney Mann Moerbei Matterson Drift Tecoma Alpine Way Lyd ai Klipmossie Drakensberg Sprokie Liza Kasteel Maggs Day Flange Ca vl yn Bruins Kremetart Haarlem Elandspoort Apiesdoring St Patricks Marina Carl Davies Lavender Charl Celliers Norman Eaton Glyn South Sadie Brander Lindfield Mackie Torte dl uif Stuart N1 South Ferdinand Caribaea Kobus Argyle Grafenheim Victor Behrens Ria John Aramist Flinders Ode Genl Louis Botha Beacon Bosloerie Monica Manning Diplomandi Chamfuti Voorhamer Leipoldt Stavast Van Der Merwe Founta ni s Hawk Koelman Silver Golf Burg Grosvenor Bess Pendoring Bancor Fusie Waterbok Leslie Gane Charl Cilliers Hilden Glyn Sussex Talana Nel Granaat Brampto Strub n en Kop College Valley Fascia Nassau Chappies Devenish Burger Gate Fremontia Sable Reyneke Auriga Jarvis Boshoff Kristal Bardia Blanton Dunedin Bazaar Clearwater Moses Pickard Dougall Dam Althea Zelik Glyne Niger Astrid Hartley Riethaan Kolgans John Keevy Market Dove Mons Piet Low Lewis Selborne The Hillside Lily Rubens Nigra Missouri Gordon Verster Edgehill L ei sl Bias Koedoe Eridanus Rautenbach Morkel Klip Alwyn Ormonde Isaac Tango Sandappel Winkler Waltloo Topaas Prince s' Park Eben Roux Bariton Powell Fourie Amandel Argo Industrial Ilona Mill January Foster Monument Protea Julius Izaak Gen Louis Botha Lynn Technikon Hugh Button Wallace Ibis Joyce Meintjies Waaier Palm Napier Erfurt Sytze Wierda Sinovich Irol Gompou Benade Skietpoort Andries Pretorius Paulsen Brown Heuwel Mississippi Whistletree Louw Vorster Hotel Freeborn Bit End Roestoff Willow Genl De Wet Kersboom Laai Balmoral Joan Palala Eve Robyn Arundel Job Rh ni e Jacobus Opperman Mary Rodene Watkins Paulus Wetton May Harte Tom Keerom Ezra Farmers Folly Blom Amajuba Von W ei lligh Sanlam Derdepoort Florence Baffy Volga Rooivink Lovers Priory Kieser Kosmos De Waal Perks Sprite Indiana Erie Twig De Wit Kipa Snip Ralph Iris Yeld Rustic Brug Adell Kuyper Lorentz Wren Kerkenberg Annico E sl on Halepensis Ceres Wells Ironwood Cook Coral Quintin Brand Tipuana Buite Blondel Suurpruim Conrad Dew Tak Mentz Rondebosch Buckle Clifford Reids Doubell Yukon Belrene Larch Henning Veldman Shepherd Canada Smarag Kreef Span Rootman Bianca Bengal Jan Meyers Bureau Kenna Why Mahonie Endeman Nic Van Vuuren Goleda Square Hill Fred Davey Palmlelie Bakhout Wyland Taaibos Eenheids Slagtersnek Ruddell Rollo Rothsay Lizjohn Ockerse Stand Graaff Reinet Sibeliu De Wildt Cornelia Iowa Anne Manie Bredell Kwikstertjie Ayres Jalta Cornus Ira Driense Crystal D F Malan 16th 1st Meyer Atterbury Stormvoël Brooks 9th Atterbury 2nd 8th Paul Kruger 18th Zeiler Lynnwood N1 M1 Farmers Folly 19th 29th Haarlem Preller 3rd 8th Hotel Moepel Df Malan 27th 6th 6th N4 Leyds Mears R573 Vom Hagen 17th 28th D F Malan 15th 26th Cornel ui s Piet Retief 17th Hertzog Troye John Vorster 11th 21st N4 Van Der Merwe Pierneef 4th 24th 20th Potgieter Church 22nd 23rd 25th Glenwood 7th Bosman 21st N1 5th Delfos 5th Rigel Baviaanspoort N4 13th Rose John Vorster Mansfield 18th 3rd 26th Lynette Lily Stormvoel Rebecca 7th Berg N4 10th 30th 3rd D F Malan 15th 25th 2nd Voortrekker D F Malan 7th 11th 10th Lois Paul Kruger 4th Pa ml lelie 15th 8th 12th 22nd Totius Voortrekker Bosman N1/N4 Balsaminie 16th Park Df Malan N4 Heron 14th 13th Jan Smuts 23rd Ben Schoeman Eeufees 29th COMPILED BY: 12 October 2021 SIYAZI GAUTENG CONSULTING SERVICES (PTY) LTD 55 Bond Street Clydesdale Sunnyside Pretoria Tel: 0123436259 Fax: 0866968915 0123 0,5 email: [emailprotected] Kilometers TRT FEEDER ROUTES AND TRUNK ROUTES Tsh_Towns Line_1A_and_Line_2A Line_2B_-_Trunk_Route_Extention_To_Menlyn F11_-_Hatfield_Route F7_-_Mucklenuek_Groenkloof_Anti_Clockwise_Route F7_-_Mucklenuek_Groenkloof_Clockwise_Route C2_-_Gezina_Route F6_-_Pretoria_CBD_Anti_Clockwise_Route C1_-_Eskia_Mphahlele_Route F10-_Pretoria_Station_Route Tsh_Streets Tsh_Sub_Places µ At the heart of SIYAZI’s operations are its systems and the technology used to support these. Throughout the years, we have ensured that we have kept up to date on the latest technological developments within the transport sector. Working in this way has allowed us to be agile and deliver solutions with high accuracy and a positive impact. Our efforts are supported by state-of-the-art computers and modern engineering software applications. Without this, we would not be able to do: • Data surveys • Database analyses and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) development • Development planning • Public transport planning and project management • Travel demand management and modelling (transportation studies and modelling, traffic calming measures) • Traffic engineering • Economic analysis to establish economic funding services • Understand training and capacity-building needs. SIYAZI also relies extensively on its technology and systems in order to provide other services such as impact assessments and studies for developments such as shopping centres, fuel filling stations, and residential areas. Our technology is also behind the setting and synchronisation of traffic lights as well as parking studies, including the determination of parking policy, parking area layout, and parking supply versus demand. To ensure we are able to keep delivering and servicing the transport sector, we at SIYAZI make use of the following applications: • MS Office – Excel, Word, Access and PowerPoint, including Visual Basic programming for Excel • aaSidra – traffic simulation • TransCAD, Maptitude and Arcgis – GIS and modelling • AutoCAD – drawing. Furthermore, in recognising the ‘edge’ that technology gives SIYAZI, we also encourage the implementation of solutions that mean the transport industry can work more efficiently and effectively. TECHNOLOGY SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 17 Examples of schematics created and utilised by SIYAZI’s technical team TECHNOLOGY SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 17

MAJOR PROJECTS MAJOR PROJECTS 18 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION An A Re Yeng bus from the City of Tshwane’s BRT system Elim Mall Taxi Rank Esilux interaction with George Link Groblersdal Shopping Centre and Taxi Rank link Groblersdal Shopping Centre and Taxi Rank link Taxi scrapping Thohoyandou Intermodal Facility

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 19 (NOT IMPLEMENTED) (NOT IMPLEMENTED) (AATTERIDGEVILLE (AS FIRST PROJECT) EASCENTURION PR(AS PILOT) (NOT IMPLEMENTED) (NOT IMPLEMENTED) HA(NOT IMPLEMENTED) (NOT IMPLEMENTED) CENTURION Route GP 0100 1 2 3 4 CENTURION CITY to WIERDA PARK CENTURION CITY to PRETORIA PINEDENE to PRETORIA PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD to PRETORIA colour code 186 colour code 187 colour code 123 CENTURION Route GP 0046 5 6 WIERDA PARK to KNOPPIESLAAGTE BELLE OMBRE to colour code 186 colour code 123 CENTURION Route GP 0045 7 8 LAUDIUM to CENTURION CITY LAUDIUM to PRETORIA colour code 186 colour code 187 colour code 123 ElarduErasmPierreWaterSTINKWATER Route GPS08 PRETORIA colour code 119 colour code 187 PRETORIA Route GPS08 PRETORIA colour code 330 STINKWATER MOGOGELO 1 2 SOSHANGUVE Route GPS 030 LOCAL colour code 244 2 3 Rosslyn Ga-Rankuwa Hospital Route GP0072 Pretoria Soshanguve Transfer Mabopane Station Inter - Provincial NW logo WONCENTMORELEPARK viaCONSTAvia WILLOHYPERAMEERSTERUST Route G002 LOCAL colour code 186 colour code 171 WILLCONSMORFAERPRETZANDCity (A1) Iscor- Laudium (A2) Internal (B1) Route GPS29 Greater Pretoria Marabastad Inter - Provincial (Long distance) Brits 1 Marble Hall 2 Makapanstad Route GP Greater Pretoria Bloed Street Marabastad Inter - Provincial code 221 code 244 code 245 code 221 code 224 Marapyane Route GP 0112 Greater Pretoria Bloed Street Inter - Provincial code 245 Warmbaths Route GP Greater Pretoria Bloed Street Inter - Provincial code 221 code 236 code 245 Pretoria via BPretoria via MPretoria via EMAJOR PROJECTS One of the most contested areas within the taxi industry is based on the availability and servicing of specific routes, particularly those deemed to be busiest. To address this issue and bring clarity and structure to taxi operators and passengers on these routes, in 1996, SIYAZI developed a colour-coded system. The requirements for the colour-coding are that it should be easy to understand but still contain all the information that the passengers, other operators, and law enforcers need to see immediately and be able to determine on which road or route a vehicle is supposed to operate. The aim was that the colour-coding would also assist tourists and visitors, enabling them to use combi-taxis to travel to various destinations in the area. The system has two elements, namely the background that indicates the origin and the colour of the line, which indicates the destination or the route followed. For Edenvale Taxi Rank Kempton Park Taxi Rank Brakpan Taxi Rank Springs Taxi Rank Phom*olong Taxi Rank MAMELODI WONDERBOOM Route PERTORIAMETRO GP 0053 PRETORIA BEFORE AFTER COLOUR-CODING SYSTEM instance, the colour background represents the area from where the route starts, while the lines identify the various routes. The first colour-coded system was developed for the City of Tshwane (then Pretoria). It was successfully rolled out and also implemented in the North West but stalled when the attempt was made to roll out the system nationally. Passengers and operators then defaulted to the traditionally used hand signals however, it is hoped that the system will be adopted countrywide.

20 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SIYAZI TEAM SPIRIT CESA RELAY RACE 2009 The SIYAZI Limpopo team’s 2006 year-end function where the team got to enjoy the best of South Africa with a game drive experience 2006 SIYAZI TEAM SPIRIT DURBAN 2019

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 21 SIYAZI TEAM SPIRIT The SIYAZI team at their team-building function held at Pure Joy 2015 HERITAGE DAY 2021 AT SIYAZI 2021 TEAM BUILDING

SIYAZI GROUP OF COMPANIES SIYAZI Gauteng Consulting (Pty) Ltd Operational Managers: • H Mafafo • M Mhlambi • E Oosthuizen SIYAZI Limpopo Consulting (Pty) Ltd Operational Managers: • G Grobler • L Roets SIYAZI Nkangala Transportation Services (Pty) Ltd Operational Manager: • E Oosthuizen SIYAZI Transportation Services Free State (Pty) Ltd Operational Manager: • E Oosthuizen • K Tudi SIYAZI Thula Transportation Planning (Pty) Ltd Operational Managers: • S Masuku • E Oosthuizen SIYAZI North West Transport (Pty) Ltd Operational Managers: • K Tudi • E Oosthuizen SIYAZI Operations Management (Pty) Ltd • E Oosthuizen (CEO) • R Lock (Admin) • H Oosthuizen (Finance) Poortsig Family Trust Ukusebenzisana Investments (Pty) Ltd Roets Family Trust SIYAZI Legacy Holdings (Pty) Ltd OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE 22 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 30% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 40% 30% Legend Share Holding Support Services

I started at SIYAZI in 1996, within the second month after its founding. South Africa was then also at the beginning of its newly established democracy. As it is today, it was often asked then if there were economic opportunities in South Africa. After 25 years, we can indeed attest to the fact that opportunities exist in abundance – one just has to know where to look. The road has, however, not always been straightforward, and it was necessary to adopt a strategy that promotes EXCELLENCE. Excellence at SIYAZI is not perfected but, by pursuing qualities that echo our values, SIYAZI has achieved a level of excellence that has sustained the company sufficiently for 25 years. Some of these qualities and values include motivating personnel to be well educated and providing continuous training and capacity building for our staff. We also stimulate the emotional IQ of individuals inside and outside the company in order to empower them to be able to adapt to circ*mstances within the company, South Africa and the world. We encourage our staff to live a life that promotes a healthy mind and spiritual mentality. In doing so, we believe that this promotes trustworthiness and reliability in all their relationships with clients and the communities we come into contact with. With this said, we realise that our work is a journey with human beings and not a race with machines. This requires us to be patient and humble. We are of the firm belief that when it seems all odds are against you, with the assistance of God, we can do much more than we can imagine. In addition, we foster the ability to identify windows of opportunities that will add value to SIYAZI and our clients. In this way, we continue to grow our already well-established business network of individuals, institutions, organisations, and companies, while striving to have a positive socio-economic impact. Twenty-five years of business in SIYAZI converted civil and transport engineers into ‘social engineers’. This, as per SIYAZI’s own definition, is: “An art that requires a person that can listen, that can earn trust in relationships, that treats all clients and role players with dignity, that respects and love role players without pre-qualifications, and that talks a ‘heart language’, since this is a language that is understood internationally in all walks of life.” Excellence requires that the individuals working for SIYAZI should know their purpose in life, with specific reference to activities related to SIYAZI. Furthermore, being part of a South African company, our purpose in life is what contributes towards South Africa and the liberty of its people. This can be summarised as serving the people of South Africa. This is achieved by promoting road safety through the planning, design and implementation of reliable transport systems that provide accessibility, job opportunities and dignity to the people. By promoting road safety, we can prevent road accidents (fatalities). This militates against the risk of needlessly losing loved ones, the potential loss of income for families, and temporary or permanent physical or mental scars for family. As SIYAZI turns 25 years, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and express my appreciation for everybody who has been part of our journey: Our families, workers, subcontractors, joint venture partner clients, mentors from all walks of life, communities and friends. For Sias Oosthuizen, the founder of SIYAZI, we appreciate your legacy that you have left behind and the excellence that have you demonstrated over the past 25 Leon Roets CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE years. We are looking forward to what you will offer SIYAZI in future to contribute to the company’s legacy. A special message to other businesses is that excellence is most likely also associated with financial challenges and constraints. It is not a road painted with roses; in fact, it is often a road that was never walked before. SIYAZI can, however, bear witness that it has not been by our own strength and power that we can celebrate our 25th anniversary. It is in fact by the mercy and grace of God that we can celebrate it. There are many testimonies in SIYAZI’s existence where we could not walk the road further, and that was where the Lord became our flagship of excellence. To conclude, I believe that the characteristics of excellence should remain relevant in the future, especially taking the Fourth Industrial Revolution into consideration, being, in essence, the same as the past 25 years. The two following additional matters, however, need to be embraced by SIYAZI to continue our legacy of excellence: First, to adapt to new technology to be more efficient and effective; and second, we need to create ‘renewable excellence’. Renewable excellence can be compared with the landfill sites that are well managed and generate renewable energy and recycled materials. The economic environment is currently classified as ‘junk status’, with Covid-19 and its associated negative impact. We, therefore, need to engineer the opportunities from the junk that can be regarded as excellence. CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE Partner and Director, SIYAZI Group of Companies We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

On 21 September 2021, Nepa Herman Mafafo celebrated his 23rd year with SIYAZI. He is one of the company’s longest-standing employees. When I started at SIYAZI, I only had my matric but SIYAZI gave me a chance to come work here. I didn’t have any certificate, but I met Mr Oosthuizen when my mother was working for him. There was a veld fire in our area and that is when I met Mr Oosthuizen. He asked me about myself when he found out that I was the son of the woman who was working at his house. We started talking and one weekend, I went to him and I saw the computers – I fell in love. Before then, I was working for Mrs Ronell Lock, in her garden, but after seeing the setup, I went back to Mr Oosthuizen and asked if he could help me through my mother. One morning, Mr Oosthuizen sent my mother to fetch me. Upon arrival, I found out that he was going to interview me. Mr Oosthuizen was with another partner, Mr Mhlambi. The interview went well, and after a few months, I was called in to start working only after 5PM to midnight. I started with small things, such as binding documents and photocopying. Eventually, Nepa qualified as a programming and GIS specialist and he now serves SIYAZI Gauteng, SIYAZI Thula (Pietermaritzburg) and SIYAZI Nkangala (Mbombela) as a Technical Manager. He is also a director at UKU and SIYAZI Gauteng. On what his greatest achievement has been, Herman says the following: I have achieved all my major life milestones here. When I started here, I had no work experience and I was very young – only about 23 – but now I am a married man. With SIYAZI’s salary, I paid my lobola. Everything that I know today, as a professional, I’ve learnt it right here. I am responsible for GIS and am a data analyst, and anything technical, I can handle. Ronell Lock started at SIYAZI shortly after its founding and has been with the company throughout its 25 years. She plays a key role in managing communication between SIYAZI’s branches and respective stakeholders and affiliates. Mr Oosthuizen and I used to be neighbours – he was staying at Plot 222 and I was at 223. At that point, he had resigned from Africon and wanted to start his own company, and he approached me to ask if I wanted to work with him. I had recently been retrenched from a government department where I had worked since 1982. During my time at SIYAZI, I have learnt so much; government is very different from the private sector, especially coming into an environment where I had never worked with engineers. I have grown and learnt so much from the people at SIYAZI – from different cultures to how to deal with different people. One of Ronell’s favourite memories with SIYAZI is of her most recent birthday... Usually, at SIYAZI, birthdays come and go without any fuss. One of our colleagues, Mpho Mokwevho, says: ‘Mrs Lock always remembers everybody else’s birthdays, but nobody remembers hers.’ This year, my birthday is one that really stood out and it will remain close to my heart. The day of my birthday I was called to the boardroom and told that I must come as there was a problem. The door was closed and, when I opened it, what a surprise was waiting for me! Everybody was standing in a circle and sang happy birthday. On the table were drinks and a cake, together with a lovely bunch of flowers and a card that was signed by everyone. They even took a video that was posted on our Facebook page.” 24 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FROM MATRIC TO TECHNICAL MANAGER: NEPA’S STORY RONELL LOCK, OFFICE MANAGER Thank you to SIYAZI for giving me a chance.” SIYAZI gave me an opportunity to grow myself.” Nepa Herman Mafafo Ronell Lock Technical Manager: SIYAZI Gauteng, SIYAZI Thula, SIYAZI Nkangala Office Manager SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS

MOSES MHLAMBI Previous Partner, SIYAZI I was first introduced to Sias when I worked for Africon, where he was my director. The conditions here were very difficult for us. After he resigned to start his own company, I joined him and we came up with the name SIYAZI, which is the isiZulu term for “we know”. Leon was then invited to come on board. One of my most memorable experiences during my time with SIYAZI was when there was a lot of conflict within the taxi industry. Many people used to view the taxi industry as people who were creating problems. Sias then said let’s go to the East Rand, which is now Ekurhuleni, and requested that we be allowed to attempt to resolve those tensions. Those guys, they trusted us. So we went to the associations, starting with Thokoza, to ask them why there was fighting and what the problem was. We sat down with them and they explained. We then went to Faraday and asked them the same thing so we can better understand the issue. What we realised is that the problems were because there were no regulations on routes. We came up with a joint venture solution for both parties and said to them let’s trial it for two weeks. After two weeks, we would meet again and discuss the matter, which they agreed to. From here, we could see that they were losing a lot of money to the buses and that these routes were not of benefit to them. But with better cooperation, everyone could benefit. We were now confident that we could resolve taxi wars, which we have continued to do so successfully It was after this that we saw it doesn’t make sense to plan for the taxi industry if we do not plan with them. Sias is an open book and he won’t wait for elections to talk to people. He is a wonderful individual who works hard to empower people through various means. He has a very good heart and when he assists anyone, he will never tell other people. As SIYAZI turns 25, I want to thank them for who I am today. SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 25 My history with Sias goes back to the early 1980s. His role in the taxi industry was to transform the industry from where it was some decades ago to where it is today, and his contribution has been one that has continued throughout the years. If you ask any taxi operator within the industry who Sias is, they will tell you immediately that they know him. The passion he has for the taxi industry is one that he owns proudly, like his own house. Sias has a long working relationship with the taxi industry and he is always, always willing to go further. He can sit down with taxi people, eat pap with them and advise them. The taxi industry in Tshwane, unlike other cities, is a united one. We’ve got Santaco and the NTA, to which Topica is affiliated. SIYAZI has gone the extra mile to assist Topica with furnishing our boardrooms with nice chairs and tables for our executives. Regarding the implementation of the BRT system in Tshwane, Sias is always available. He is responsible for the implementation for the BRT across all the phases. He is there for us and because of his knowledge in transport, he will always plan ahead. We know Sias doesn’t work alone. We are happy with his subordinates and his company is very generous. They too have helped us with secretarial work and more, and whenever SIYAZI has any event, they will always invite the taxi industry to be part of it. Sias is so passionate about transforming the taxi industry and we really worry if someone tells us Sias is getting old because we don’t want to hear that. I don’t know if he can be replaced. He is not only dealing with us as Topica. He is going to the associations and helping them with whatever problem they have including trying where there is a conflict to resolve the conflict. He is always there. Sias knows so much and understands protocols – he will talk to us as leaders of the associations and give us a plan that he thinks would work and then make sure it happens. Furthermore, he will make sure that when structures like Topica and Santaco Tshwane have elections and other occasions, he will avail himself and tell us that he will be there to support us. He is so special to us and, really, we are blessed. I can call him the messiah of the taxi industry. SIZANI PIET (SP) MAHLANGU General Secretary, Taxi Operations Peace Initiative Conglomerated Association (Topica)

TIMOTHY MOTSIPIRI MOTHAPO Managing Director, Motsipiri Consulting When I finished my diploma in 1999, I worked with SIYAZI as a technician and they helped teach me how to apply my mind. My message to SIYAZI as they turn 25 is that they must keep up the fantastic work and keep believing in young people, improving their knowledge and giving them an opportunity. MAZWE NKONKI Second Deputy President, Santaco Northern Cape We first met SIYAZI through the scrapping agency, with Mr Sias Oosthuizen as chairman of the board of the scrapping body. They are a company we have worked with and that we have a good relationship with. He is always willing to help wherever help is needed. When I first started at Santaco in the Northern Cape, there was no proper management in place. It was through SIYAZI’s efforts that we were able to establish a company and acquire a house that we use as our offices. This means that we are no longer renting but we have offices that belong to Santaco in the Northern Cape. He really has contributed a lot to us here in the Northern Cape. Sias Oosthuizen is known as ‘the taxi operator without a combi’ but he is an operator. Having heard that Mr Oosthuizen is going to retire, I can only wish him well. We in the Northern Cape will never forget what he has done for us and we want to thank him for everything. I knew Sias from before he started SIYAZI in 1996. When we started working together, we were part of the Greater Pretoria Metropolitan Council. Together with SIYAZI, we came up with a concept to formalise the taxi industry through colour-coding. This followed the taxi resolution and conflict management process. As part of the task team, it was mandated that we as government must attempt to resolve this conflict because it was delaying the process of formalising the industry. SIYAZI as a company were the ones who were assisting us in this regard. This is when Sias gained popularity in the taxi industry. Our relationship with SIYAZI has been one that has been built over many years. Although working nationally, in Tshwane specifically, SIYAZI has assisted with taxi scrapping and has played a key role in the Taxi Recapitalisation programme. SIYAZI as a company has done a lot and maintained a level of professionalism. For us as the City, I can say SIYAZI is one of the few companies, if not the only, that is so passionate about the formalisation of the taxi industry. Together with SIYAZI, we developed skills development programmes for the taxi industry and SIYAZI became part of our BRT project after being appointed by the industry as their technical advisor. Here, SIYAZI has been helping them to understand the bigger role that they play within the value chain of transportation and how to run the industry as a business. We were always well received by the taxi industry; we were accepted, we were respected, and we were listened to. What our politicians and policymakers now need to understand is that when they invest in training and skills development for the industry, they are investing in their citizens, either as passengers or as road users. Sias has tried his utmost through his company to make people understand the taxi industry and co-exist, and that is what is most significant to me about SIYAZI. SOMKHALIPHI MAHLANGU Director of Transport Funding and Subsidy Management, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS 26 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION

JOHN MAVUNDLA Chairperson, Top Star Taxi Association We have a good relationship with SIYAZI and we work hand-in-hand with Mr Sias Oosthuizen as our advisor. We are happy to have worked with SIYAZI for many years. Our message to SIYAZI on their 25th birthday, is: Happy Birthday, SIYAZI! We hope your company is long-lasting and may you keep well! SARAME SEBEGO Chairman, Santaco North West Santaco North West and SIYAZI have had a good working relationship. Nationally, across the whole of South Africa, SIYAZI is referred to as an operator with no operating licence. That is how we value Mr Sias Oosthuizen and how he has been of assistance to the industry. For the North West in particular, he has done very well in advising the industry and growing most of us as the operators we are today. SIYAZI as a company has developed the transport industry with the integration of taxis. In Rustenburg, in 2005, the development and the agreement between the municipality and the industry for them to have the kind of taxi rank that they have currently was done through SIYAZI, who put together a good presentation that was then adopted. The taxi rank was built in the way that SIYAZI designed. When we need SIYAZI assistance, they always avail themselves. I have never seen them disappoint in that area and if you call them at any given time, they will tend to the matter. May God bless SIYAZI’s people and their company with good health. It has never been an easy road but let’s trust in the Lord because He has brought us this far. The first time Sias and I worked together was when I was working for the East Rand Metropolitan, where I was responsible for the Public Transport Portfolio, around 1986. The biggest problem we had at that stage was the combi-taxi operation. Nobody really had any real handle on this – we had to count out how many taxis there were and there were no facilities – nobody had given this any attention, so we had to appoint a consultant. In our younger days, at the Annual Transport Convention, we had a discussion with Sias who was working for BKS in those days. I asked him to do a proposal for us, which was then accepted. Sias proceeded to conduct one of the first studies of its kind to determine the capacity, need and demand for taxis. This was done by conducting surveys across the East Rand and, from here, the number of unofficial and official taxis in operation. Sias was also the first to interview the passengers to understand their needs. One of the outcomes of this was to see where we need to place terminuses for the boarding and alighting of passengers. Sias and I got into taxis with the operators as a passenger. After we completed the study, we established taxi liaison committees. That was a proposal that came out of a study from Sias, and for the first time, we had liaison committees under which the traffic officers, taxi associations and officials from the city’s engineering department sit together. He was also involved in this implementation. In those days, he attended most of the liaison committee meetings himself and managed a lot of the communication between the councils and taxi operators. One of the biggest projects we worked on was the Springs Modal Transfer Centre, where we had trains, buses and taxis. This was very successful and possibly the first in the country. After Sias left BKS, we followed him. One of the most impressive innovations for me was how he determined whether the number of taxis operating was sufficient by measuring the waiting time of both the taxis and passengers, sometimes arriving at 04:00 to start gathering this information. I feel SIYAZI has done extremely well, and they must keep building on what they have done and keep it up. I think we need companies like SIYAZI – the taxi industry plays a major part in our society and assisting them is very important. SIMON GERBER Resident Engineer, Software Solutions SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 27

FRANS KGASAGO THEMBA KUBHEKA Provincial Spokesperson, Limpopo National Taxi Alliance Secretary, Santaco Durban North OUPA PAPO Manager: Public Transport, City of Ekurhuleni I joined the City of Ekurhuleni on 1 September 1998. During that time, when we had public transport, SIYAZI would be called in to bring peace among the public transport operators. Sias has been a pillar of strength for our industry. The taxi industry love him a lot and listen to him when it comes to managing issues. He is the first person who the entire taxi industry trusted. His honesty and his ability to convince people and bring peace are most remarkable to me. At Ekurhuleni, there was a time where we didn’t have anyone to assist us when it came to dealing with the problems we were facing. The City appointed Sias to deal with those challenges. SIYAZI must not give up what they do and enjoy peace and stability within the industry. SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS SIYAZI opened my eyes. SIYAZI has helped us understand through the years how to approach government and about what belongs to us as the taxi industry. They want to continue to help us. Sias is a very good man and very brave. At first, we didn’t understand the IRPTN and Sias was our advisor. Sometimes, these things can be a process but SIYAZI wants to share the value and dividends. SIYAZI has never changed in how they help us and I hope they never will. Since we started working with SIYAZI, our relationship with them has been very good because of how they support us. Each time there is a meeting, they will engage with us. When we have challenges, we talk to them. When issues are affecting the taxi ranks, they engage with us to find good solutions. SIYAZI has helped us by providing information about all of our taxi ranks. They have assisted us with workshops but, also, they have assisted us with our children. This was done by giving them stipends to count the volume of the taxis in our province and Polokwane, and our children gained a lot from SIYAZI. Recently, we held a funeral and they assisted us a lot. When people were mourning, they assisted us with transport by getting a big bus and paying for it. This matters more than anything else in such a time to have such assistance because, if we are crying, SIYAZI is the shoulder we lean on. Such memories will always remain in our heart. The support that SIYAZI gave to our community during a time it was needed meant that with the lack of employment, even with as little as they had, the money they gave our youth matters a lot and it is a great honour that we will always treasure in our memories. My message to SIYAZI during the celebration of their anniversary is to let them know the good that they have done for our community. May the good Lord shower them with blessings and protect the SIYAZI company through the leadership of Leon Roets and his colleagues. As the National Taxi Alliance and Mankweng in the province, we say: keep up the good work because we are still expecting more from you as advisors to the municipality and on the developments you have engaged with us on, and everything you have done for the community within this district. As the spokesperson for the NTA, I really feel honoured working with you, so let’s continue working together. God bless you and may you have many more years to come! 28 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CELEBRATION

SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS BERTUS BIERMAN CEO, Lebalelo Water User Association I met Leon Roets many years ago and he did a lot of work for the municipalities. Later, when I was at the mines, he assisted us with many transport studies. SIYAZI’s work, as far as I’m concerned, was excellent and always very professional. In terms of what they did for us, some of the highlights were how they helped us with the negotiations process with the National Roads Agency (SANRAL) to convert Road R37 between Polokwane and Burgersfort into a strategic national road. Therefore, SANRAL has taken it over. That helped the mining industry quite a lot because Road R37 became better maintained. Some of the aspects we negotiated with SANRAL 10 years ago are only being implemented now; SANRAL started to double up Road R37 a couple of months ago. There were many negotiations made with SANRAL through SIYAZI, who were instrumental in the success of these negotiations. Road N11 north of Mokopane in Mogalakwena Municipality was also successfully negotiated with SANRAL to be upgraded but still needs to be implemented. SIYAZI did road planning in Burgersfort for the mining industry, where we supported the Tubatse Local Municipality. Parallel to Road R37, there is a provincial road that links local communities. The mines in the area contributed to building portions of the road, to ensure better access for the communities. This has now been constructed, and there are many instances like this where economic development needs to be created, in these areas and part of it is to provide access. It is the same with water. This will be the second phase of supporting people within these communities with access to the economy. That is the only way this country is going to grow, and working through companies like SIYAZI and others, with their views and supports, specifically to the mining industry, was significant in getting this province in a better space. As SIYAZI turns 25, I feel they need to stay at the forefront of socio-economic development, as they have been in the past, doing what makes South Africa tick. We need people like them with open minds that look beyond the political and all the other issues that this country has, to make sure that there is growth and support, especially for our more vulnerable communities and people in our country. That’s the way we are going to take this country forward. I want to congratulate SIYAZI for what they’ve achieved but they mustn’t stop there – they must keep doing what they do. SOLLY LEDWABA Chairman, Esilux; Chairman, Santaco Capricorn I have been working with SIYAZI for the past 22 years. I have always thought of SIYAZI as one of our taxi operators, and one of our stakeholders, as opposed to a service provider. SIYAZI is a company that really understands the nature and the characteristics of the taxi industry. We first got to know SIYAZI when they were appointed as the secretariat to the Polokwane Transport Forum. Later, they became a service provider to the Polokwane Municipality to come up with possible transport solutions, loading and ranking facilities. SIYAZI was responsible for liaising between the taxi industry and the Polokwane Municipality. The Capricorn Regional Taxi Council approached SIYAZI as part of the FIFA World Cup in 2010 to assist us with the planning and execution of spectator movement, where they did a splendid job. In 2011, the Polokwane Municipality approached the taxi industry to start informal engagements on the Integrated Public Transport system to be developed in Polokwane. The taxi industry sought the assistance of SIYAZI, who agreed to help. They were not paid for almost two years, but they never went away from the table. That is the kind of commitment and love they have for the taxi industry. During the taxi industry transition, SIYAZI facilitated multiple workshops over several key issues, and they have been instrumental in ensuring that the industry is better off, and we are a living testimony of this. We have negotiated good compensation through their assistance and speciality. As part of the Vehicle Operating Company Agreement, they have ensured that the identity of the taxi industry remains its own. To this end, SIYAZI has assisted us to establish our own company, called Esilux, of which I am the chairperson. Behind the scenes, they are the sponsor for numerous activities, and they continue to transfer knowledge and skills. For this, we are highly appreciative and there are many good things that we can say about SIYAZI. I have learned tremendously from SIYAZI, especially around issues related to negotiations, contract management and with where we are currently. Not only this but SIYAZI has also contributed to the industry in general and from a social perspective. From where I am seated, I can say that my success is attributed to SIYAZI. I regard them as a big brother to the taxi industry and they continue to make us proud. My message to SIYAZI, on behalf of the taxi industry, is to thank them. Thank you very much for being there for us, especially when they were not being paid by the city and SIYAZI would utilise their own resources to ensure that the processes continue. Our relationship has grown from being a client and service provider to one where they are our big brother and a shoulder to lean on. We cannot thank them enough. SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 29

SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS 30 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CYRIL HARRIS Acting General Manager + Operations Manager, Esilux; Chairman, Westenburg Taxi Association My relationship with SIYAZI began in 2013 on the Polokwane Integrated Public Transport System Project. The Municipality identified four taxi associations that were affected by the implantation of Phases 1 and 2 of the system. Westenburg Taxi Association, where I am the chairperson, was one of the affected taxi associations. We had close interaction with members of the executive management of SIYAZI as our technical advisors, and in particular with Messrs Roets and Oosthuizen. Over the years, working with SIYAZI and their team, we have been well capacitated in line with the transition agenda from being a taxi operator to a bus operator. Over many years and many hours of capacitation by SIYAZI, we have arrived where we are today. We work closely with Mr Roets in his capacity as Project Manager as part of the Taxi Industry Technical Advisory Team. He set high standards and kept them there, which allowed the taxi industry to grow to where they are today – because of sheer hard work. SIYAZI’s assistance began with surveys that were conducted to determine the market share of the affected taxi associations. SIYAZI assisted us with defining and verifying the affected routes, thus allowing the taxi industry to make informed decisions based on the survey results. SIYAZI has further contributed towards the operational readiness of the Vehicle Operational Company, to provide services in line with the negotiated contract. SIYAZI has continuously motivated me to study and capacitate myself. I accepted the challenge and managed to complete courses in business and risk management respectively at Stellenbosch University. We appreciate what SIYAZI has done over the years – not just for Limpopo province but for South Africa. My message to them as they turn 25 years is to continue doing what they do and keep on empowering and building capacity for all the people they engage – whether it be in transport, engineering or in any other field they specialise in. SIYAZI must continue to strive for a form of ubuntu; live and let others live too. One should not be greedy to want everything for themselves but rather look at how to empower people and have people create responsible future leaders and, in general, contribute to the well-being of the country. MEMORY MADIGOE Chairperson: Women’s Desk, Santaco I first met Sias when the industry was in a seriously dire situation. God sent this wonderful man to us with brilliant ideas, whereby the industry was moving from being an industry that was hostile to one that was a business. Sias came with his different ideas. At the time, the industry was not formalised so, coming in, Sias tried to assist the industry and helped create Santaco’s constitution. He tried by all means to make sure that the industry was empowered. He arranged different workshops, including for the women, and ensured that we are well trained. He has done a wonderful job. SIYAZI also assisted the taxi industry with conflict resolution. They came with different strategies to ask: How can we make sure that we move away from being full of violence? When the Taxi Recapitalisation programme was launched, Sias took the lead to ensure we were in business. The industry is definitely a different industry and we are giving our people the service they deserve. This comes from the ideas of a man who knows what business is. My message to the umkhulu of the industry is: Our father, please know you have worked so hard but we have not yet arrived. I am speaking as a woman in the taxi industry to ask that when you exit, you can point and say, “I have assisted these women.” So if he can, he must continue to push and assist us with the ideas of how can we come out of this poverty, especially with Covid-19 making things worse.

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 31 SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS DIETER KRUGER SUZAN TEMPEL Asset Manager, Resilient Properties Director, Twin City Development Twin City is a property development company that develops shopping centres, mostly in rural areas. Twin City was introduced to SIYAZI 20 years ago. SIYAZI provides the following services to Twin City: independent facilitator and mediator services within public transport, traffic engineering, geometric designs, and obtaining statutory requirements and approvals. Public transport and, in particular, the taxi industry are extremely important to Twin City. The stimulation of sustainable relationships between shopping centre owners and the taxi industry management structures requires an independent mediator to protect the interests of both parties. The first big challenge I managed with SIYAZI was at the Elim Mall project located about 30 km east of Makhado, in the Limpopo province. We built a new shopping centre – and it was the first shopping centre I had ever developed and was therefore relatively inexperienced but willing to give it my all. The project, with specific reference to taxi operations, had serious challenges to be resolved. Leon assisted and guided the process related to taxi industry engagements. Since then, we’ve established Lowveld Mall, which has one of the largest public transport facilities in Mpumalanga. We have an intermodal facility on-site – a long- and short-distance taxi rank and buses. On any given day, we have in excess of 1 000 taxis operating up and down with a number of big buses. We also have Paledi Mall, where SIYAZI assisted us in a few instances; in addition to the Twin City Mall in Heidedal, as well as the Burgersfort Mall. SIYAZI was further involved with the development of the Groblersdal Mall that was integrated with a taxi rank that belongs to the Municipality. We ended up spending R20 million on public infrastructure and converted the old taxi rank into a modern one. Leon has good relationships with the taxi industry and promotes win-win solutions. He is meticulous in his detail, with attendance registers and minutes, and has the patience to conduct negotiations that are sustainable. SIYAZI’s strong relationships with the taxi industry were recently demonstrated when we built the Rustenburg Mall; with the assistance of Sias Oosthuizen, the taxi rank approvals were done very quickly. Our relationships with the taxi industry are long-lasting and deep, and SIYAZI has played a key role here. In their 25th year, SIYAZI can be very proud of their business – it is a massive achievement. They’ve made a huge difference to the lives of millions of people in South Africa with their designs and their relationships. The taxi industry in South Africa is like no other: they have no subsidies, they move people at an affordable rate, and they move millions every day. At the malls and the projects we work on, they’ve really made a difference to so many people. We at Twin City Development wish SIYAZI all the best for the next 25 years! I first met Leon Roets around 2000. He became our consultant whenever we conducted traffic impact studies or made any changes to taxi ranks. The value of what he brings to the table is the relationships that he has with all transport industry stakeholders. Nobody I know has the relationships to be able to see all sides of the development from a transport and public transport perspective, from the informal trade, commuter market and the development of retail properties. When we bought Tzaneen Crossing, we had an informal taxi rank right at the entrance, and Leon was instrumental in negotiating the move from an informal to a formal rank. At Tzaneng Mall, Leon was involved in the traffic impact study and the design of the shopping centre being extended over the thenexisting bus terminals. This project was challenging in the sense that one had to ensure that bus operations continued during construction. Leon was also involved in the traffic impact study for the Lifestyle Centre. Then, in Burgersfort, at Tubatse Crossing, which was designed and opened in 2013, Leon negotiated with the taxi industry to help design the new taxi rank that was built as part of the development. The negotiation process was extremely difficult but turned out to be a great success. One of my most memorable experiences working with SIYAZI was when we negotiated the relocation of the taxi rank in Tzaneen. We met with all the stakeholders and I, being a little more impatient, was ready to have an answer for everyone. Leon advised me to wait for the last person to speak, and whoever that was would be the person with the most authority and who we needed to negotiate with. SIYAZI has incredible patience. They have a vast knowledge of the market and good relationships with all stakeholders, which is sometimes difficult because the interests of the stakeholders don’t always align, but they get it done. Congratulations to SIYAZI on 25 years of excellence. I wish them all the best in the times to come. There are going to be fantastic opportunities, once we get through Covid-19, which I feel we are beginning to recover from, and I look forward to working with them on other projects in the future!

SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS 32 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ARNOLD PISTORIUS Chairman, Twin City Development I started this company in 1984, and our first project with SIYAZI was in Hazyview, Mpumalanga. In those days, it was a real challenge to work with the taxi industry but SIYAZI managed to get the trust of the whole of the taxi industry through the associations. SIYAZI really added a lot of value for them as well as the developers. Developing these shopping malls like we did in Hazyview is a long-haul project. In those days, there was an oversupply of parking areas, but the shoppers didn’t have that many vehicles. Nowadays, it’s amazing that, with the same size shopping mall, everybody has cars. The taxis are doing a great job and we like to facilitate them with good quality, safe areas, especially because we have some old ladies coming in to do their monthly shopping or get their grants, and so we really try to design these developments in such a way that it’s safe and accessible. The Hazyview development was actually relocated at least three times to its present position. We’ve had SIYAZI negotiate with the taxi associations in Bushbuck Ridge and they’ve been involved in a massive taxi rank in Groblersdal. City councils really have difficult processes when it comes to money, so we normally put in this sort of infrastructure at our own cost because if you ask them to do it, it’ll take much longer. Leon Roets from SIYAZI was involved in a number of our developments, including in Turfloop, Burgersfort and Steelpoort, and they’ve always delivered on their promises. And sometimes, when they have said they will sort out an issue with the taxi association, I would think, “That’s just too good to be true,” but they have always delivered. Sometimes it might take a little bit longer and a little more effort. But, at the end of the day, we got the results that we needed. What they do makes the project more efficient and easier for the taxis and their passengers. Over the years, this has resulted in SIYAZI being able to build a relationship with the taxi associations and create trust, so if they are involved, there is no animosity. I feel they’ve done a great job. Leon – with his calm, relaxed, attitude – works wonders with the taxi associations. It’s always been a pleasure to work with Leon – you may underestimate him, but he just pushes through and delivers what he’s promised. Very few companies survive for 25 years and it doesn’t become easier. But, to survive, you have to adapt as the situation changes. We are very thankful to have guys like SIYAZI assisting us with the taxi industry to allow us to sustain long-term feasibility. My best wishes to SIYAZI on this milestone – I hope the next 25 years will be as stable and solid as the first 25. Congratulations!

SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 33 BHEKI MBAMBO Former Deputy Chairperson, Santaco KZN I f I’m talking about SIYAZI, I must talk about one of the best people I’ve ever met and worked with. SIYAZI is like a brother and a father to me because if you work with someone like Sias, you work with somebody who is always free to advise. There is no time you will find Sias so busy that he can’t talk. His door is always open, and he wants to hear the views of different people. He wants to teach me that. Sharing is very important, and you must learn to share in whatever you do. In business, whatever you do, you must share whatever you have. He is a very good person – I even introduced Sias to my wife and my late brothers in the transport industry. They are not with us anymore, but they knew Sias and who I was talking about and that he is one of the best people. What I can say is that I knew Sias when I became chairperson of the association; I became the chairperson of the region and was then the deputy chairperson of Santaco. I won’t forget the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The project that Sias was running in Durban was successful in a big way because SIYAZI made sure that there was good transport in Durban, especially for the taxi industry, which was doing that project for the first time, transporting people during the World Cup. Besides that, there is a project called GO!Durban. SIYAZI has done a lot of work in Durban to make sure that the taxi industry is successful in that SOLOMON MOLOKO Founder + First Chairman, Mamelodi Amalgamated Taxi Association I am one of the founders of the Mamelodi Amalgamated Taxi Association. There were three associations in Mamelodi – these were the Mamelodi Tshwane Taxi Association, the Mamelodi United Owners Taxi Association, and the third was the Mamelodi Progressive Taxi Association. During the taxi wars, I called the leaders of those three associations, we amalgamated and came up with the Mamelodi Amalgamated Taxi Association. I was the first chairman of that association. Sias Oosthuizen is an honest, fair man who knows what he is doing. He made me a man, and he made me a good leader. One thing he said to me was never to judge a person. Always make sure that you understand – listen. He said that to be a good leader, you must be a good listener. Listen to what other men are saying and respond knowing where he is going, and know where we are going. That is why, when I have a problem, I will turn to his advice. He then led me to become the first democratically elected chairman of the Tshwane Taxi Association. He still guided me and led me when I lost in the election, around 2001, and we went to him for his help to draw up the Mamelodi Amalgamated Taxi Association. He went on to help us design the different routes that we have, and this was around 20 years ago. It’s been a wonderful journey. Working with Mr Oosthuizen, he has taught me not to cheat anybody and not to look for payment – he wants to discourage us not to take bribes from any man. That’s one of the main things that he told us; money is not everything. May the wonderful Lord bless SIYAZI and give them all that is due to them. I wish Sias a long and healthy life. project. So, I respect him a lot because he is everything and he is a good advisor. When I was the chairperson of Santaco KZN, SIYAZI saved the industry a lot of money. With the money that SIYAZI saved, KZN was able to buy Hlokomela vehicles for the Hlokomela project. This was SIYAZI’s plan – they came with a good plan and Sias made sure we could buy cars for all the regions. There are two things that I’ll never forget: the 2010 project that SIYAZI did in Durban Metro, where all the taxi people were happy – even the chairperson of the eThekwini Metro Taxi Council. And second, nobody can drive a project like SIYAZI and make sure that the taxi industry is happy. I’m no longer in a leadership role, but I still believe that SIYAZI is one of the best to help the taxi industry. My message to SIYAZI and my brother Sias is: May God be with you all the time and keep your strength. You’re one of the greatest guys I know. I respect you. I will always salute you, my brother. I always pray, and whenever I pray, I say, “God, keep that man”, because, I know that you are not just living for yourself. You have given your life to other families, like us. We believe in you.

SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS Chairperson, Santaco uMgungundlovu I am the chairman of the uMgungundlovu region for Santaco. I first met SIYAZI when I was deputy chairperson of the region. Mr Sias Oosthuizen was introduced to us by the late Thulani Kubheka, who was the registrar of KZN. Since he introduced Sias to us, we have come to know him as a very different but good man. He is a guy who is very passionate about what he does. He does everything very well, and we have worked very hard, especially since advising us as part of the IRPTN committee, where he is one of our advisors. He has helped us understand how to work with the municipality to build roads and how to train the industry to allow buses to operate on our routes. Although it was very hard when we started, slowly, we managed to convince our guys who, at first, were unsure of how the new system would benefit them and needed time to learn. We didn’t want to say, “We don’t want it”, without understanding how it could change our industry or the way we operate. Sias would always attend the meetings we had with the taxi operators and give us good advice when we met with the municipality as well. There are many areas in which Sias has helped us, especially how we treat the industry. The taxi industry is not easy to work with, but he tried, by all means, to reassure us and put our minds at ease. We always refer to him as an operator without a permit. Sias is known to many provinces because he is a good guy and he knows how to work with people. To work with the industry, you need to listen and try to understand what they mean. A lot of us are uneducated, but Sias will take the time to help us understand, and we always look forward to working with him. We have no reason not to work MARIA MASHADI NTULI Chairperson, Santaco Tshwane Women’s Desk I have worked with SIYAZI since 2007. In this time, they have always supported Santaco and the taxi industry in so many different ways, including making sure that Santaco is in a position to empower us as women. SIYAZI has assisted the taxi industry a lot. They helped write the constitution for Santaco in 2001, and during the taxi recapitalisation programme, it was SIYAZI who made sure that the taxi industry would benefit first and foremost. I will never forget when the first taxi operators received funds from the taxi scrapping process in Tshwane. They were so happy because they did not expect that they would get such a lot of money. From the proceeds, Santaco was able to buy property in each province in which we could then establish our offices. SIYAZI also assisted us with helping to furnish these offices and in ensuring these were properly set up. Another memorable experience was in 2017 when the Women’s Desk hosted a fun walk and fun run in Tshwane. This was held in partnership with the Greater Tshwane Regional Taxi Council, and SIYAZI sponsored this great and successful event. I want to thank SIYAZI for everything they have done for me and for all the support they have given the industry. I wish them well as they turn 25, and may God bless them. I would like to tell them to keep empowering the youth and women and never give up doing what they do so well. 34 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION BHEKUMUZI MICHAEL SOKHELA with him because whenever we have worked with him, he has done everything right for us. Although there are difficulties here and there, he is always willing to listen to us. He might come with his system, but that system may not be understood, so we try other ways. With his business especially and dealing with the municipality, we approached Sias and requested a lawyer who can discuss certain documents with us and advise us. He did that for us. When we started the IRPTN in Pietermaritzburg, the situation was very tough, and our guys were very vocal saying they don’t want the system implemented in their areas. Sias didn’t pull back and was with us in the meeting. He didn’t turn his back on us and was always there for us, which built our trust. He was listening to us as well, because we know our industry and he needed to understand how we could overcome these challenges. What I would like to say as SIYAZI turns 25 is that it deserves to run for so many years because they are very professional. I wish Sias luck and strength to continue doing working within the industry and his business. He is a very passionate guy, and we wish him and his wife all the best and a good life.

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 35 SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS TIMOTHY PHIRI MMAKANAGA SHAI Deputy Director: Transport Stakeholder Liaison and Communication Management, City of Tshwane (CoT): Roads and Transport Department Managing Director, Masingita Group of Companies I am based in Gauteng, but we develop across the country as well as Africa. SIYAZI is our traffic engineering firm, and we have worked with them for 10 years on many projects. They have always been professional in their business conduct and have handled their work with the dignity that is required of their professionalism, and we continue working with them. SIYAZI was involved in our development for Giyani Mall, where they were responsible for traffic engineering services. They were very helpful in gaining the access that was needed. They were also involved in our Makhado and other Limpopo projects where they were able to facilitate meetings with the relevant authorities, such as the Roads Agency Limpopo and SANRAL, and they were very helpful with getting access points into our development. They are currently assisting us on another town development project, as well as two other projects in South Africa, and I work closely with Leon and Gustav. Congratulations to SIYAZI on reaching their 25-year milestone in business. It’s a very tough business, and without the clientele being supportive of your business, you’ll find yourself out of business. But they have been resilient in this industry, precisely because of their professionalism. I wish them many more years to come, and another 25 years as they continue executing their professional work. I have always known Leon to be very responsive to our requests. We have never had any delays. Whenever we call him, he is always available, and this is the kind of relationship that we want – professionals who are servants of their clients and professionals who are very responsive and dedicated to their work. This is what SIYAZI has demonstrated. By bringing in young professionals such as Gustav, it ensures continuity of the business and a proper succession plan and, for this, I want to congratulate them. Between May 2012 and October 2018, I was seconded to the Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network (IRPTN) Specialised Unit, which is responsible for planning and implementation of the Tshwane Rapid Transit (TRT) project. TRT is the bus rapid transit (BRT) system for Tshwane, commonly known as A Re Yeng (ARY). In the IRPTN Specialised Unit, I was the Project Stream Leader for public transport transformation/industry transition. The Stream was responsible for engagement and negotiations with public transport operators, specifically with the bus and taxi operators who would be affected by the implementation of the TRT project. It was very important to ensure that those operators were not going to be worse off in terms of their business. As Project Stream Leader, I had a team of technical advisors/external consultants who were advising in this mandate. In order to level the playing field, the CoT had to appoint a team of technical advisors to support the taxi industry in their engagement and negotiations on the TRT project. Accordingly, the SIYAZI Consortium was the only preferred team of consultants for the Tshwane Taxi Industry (TTI). The SIYAZI Consortium was appointed to provide technical support to the minibus taxi operators affected during the planning, design, construction and operations of the TRT project in line with the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) entered into by the CoT and the TTI. This included a wide scope of deliverables across a range of areas. It was self-evident from all the engagements that there is a robust rapport of trust between the SIYAZI Consortium and TTI – over and above the professionalism and technical expertise provided to the latter. The SIYAZI Consortium has made it much easier for the CoT to engage and negotiate with the taxi industry on the TRT project and in a far more organised and professional fashion. The most memorable experience I have had working with SIYAZI was seeing their commitment to the taxi industry during negotiations and the conclusion of a permanent compensation agreement for Line 2A (Pretoria Central – Hatfield) of the TRT project. The negotiations went beyond 10PM at the Manhattan Hotel, and the Taxi Industry Technical Advisors (TITAS) under SIYAZI Consortium were committed to ensuring that these negotiations were successfully concluded, even if it meant spending the entire evening to ensure that they struck a better deal for the affected Tshwane taxi operators. Another memorable experience was the heated engagements between the CoT and taxi industry teams during the engagements and negotiations, as each team needed an outcome that was beneficial and favourable. It was clear during these heated engagements that nothing was personal, and each party was playing its role in the ‘game’. Congratulations to SIYAZI on this milestone of your existence, especially in your quest to improve the state of transportation in the country, not only in Tshwane. Your national footprint is a testament to the valuable role you play in the transportation sector broadly, not only limited to your development of the minibus taxi industry, but also to your innovative solutions towards improving the state of transport, especially in the light of the current era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. All the best as you start a journey towards a half-century celebration after this quarter-century one. Continue to impart the knowledge and skills to the young graduates as you have done over the period of your existence. Best wishes to you on your ongoing transformation and integration of the minibus taxi industry into the broader transportation landscape, and ensuring their maximum benefit out of the concomitant value chain opportunities in the transport sector.

36 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS MCKENZIE MAGAGANE Attorney, Mamadimo Magagane Attorneys; Project Manager, Hararo Project Managers I first started working with SIYAZI in 2008. My company, Hararo Project Managers, and SIYAZI were part of a consortium team called Prism Consortium, which was appointed by the then Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport to develop an Integrated Public Transport Intermodal Facility in Polokwane. I then received an invitation for an appointment by SIYAZI on a similar project, which was based in Venda, in Thohoyandou. SIYAZI was assisting Intersite Investments, which is part of PRASA, with traffic, public transport engineering and liaison with the public transport operators in Thohoyandou. SIYAZI also incorporated me to tender with them on the Polokwane Integrated Public Transport System (Leeto la Polokwane), to act as technical advisors for the taxi industry for affected taxi associations. SIYAZI was awarded the tender and I was subcontracted to them, together with my law firm, Mamadimo Magagane Attorneys, to deal with, among other, legal issues and liaison with the taxi industry. The project is still active, and I am still participating as part of the team. My relationship with SIYAZI has always been super fine, and I’m still working with them after so many years, with Hararo acting as a project management company dealing with several aspects of project management and social facilitation. I would say in our relationship, here and there, SIYAZI learnt certain important things from Hararo and vice versa. In terms of capacitation, we share knowledge. I work with one of the directors of SIYAZI, Mr Roets, daily. He is an engineer by professional qualification, and I am an attorney and project manager. Time has proved that we are a formidable team. My message to SIYAZI as they turn 25 years is a Sesotho idiom that translates to: “Let them grow and grow and surpass an elephant.” I wish them all the best in their growth path. The company is very down to earth. Their confidence in public transport engagement is out of this world, and what they do as public transport advisors is astounding. I have never had any exposure to any transport or traffic engineers other than SIYAZI, but I know that even for some of the big multinationals, if there are issues in Limpopo, there is no other company that can engage or assist in the same way. BAFANA MAGAGULA Chief Strategic Manager, Santaco National I have known Mr Sias Oosthuizen for almost 30 years now. I first met him when I was just an ordinary member of an association. I went on to become chairman of the association then chairman of the region, and eventually, chairman of the province. I was then the deputy secretary-general of the national structure at Santaco, and now, I am the chief strategic manager of Santaco. SIYAZI is a very good company that has helped empower the taxi industry, especially within the bus rapid transit system. Mr Sias Oosthuizen has empowered a lot of taxi owners with knowledge and economically, and we have a very good relationship with him. Over the years, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge from Sias. It has put me where I am today. Sias is an exceptionally passionate person. He has learnt about the taxi industry, which is a very difficult industry to work with, but – through his passion – Sias works so well with us. He understands this industry through and through. Any occasion where we have invited him, he attends. When you talk about the taxi industry, many people are fearful but not Mr Oosthuizen and he will never let his fear obstruct his involvement with the people, who he has learnt to understand. Also, when he takes the podium, he talks bravely and is straightforward. For instance, with two parties like the NTA and Santaco, he is one person who has brought peace between the two parties to understand themselves that the taxi industry is their industry and shouldn’t be mixed with politics. Sias is so passionate about the taxi industry that he has really tried to help them understand that the wealth is in their hands, more than just the power. He has made them see that the power they must use is that which empowers them economically. He has contributed a lot by opening the minds of the taxi operators in South Africa. Sias is known everywhere and there is no province that you will invite him to, and he will not be there – big or small. He has empowered executives and he has empowered ordinary taxi owners, like myself, who have gained so much from his knowledge and his love for the taxi industry. We even call him an operator without an operating licence. My message to SIYAZI as they turn 25 is to please keep going. Please continue the empowerment of the taxi industry and never give up. Continue being patient, continue showing people the way, and continue empowering people mentally and economically. You are one of the best and one in a million. We know that you are not just there to enrich yourself but to make sure that everybody benefits from the value chain. Amandla, SIYAZI, amandla!

BOY ZONDI Santaco First Deputy President + Chairperson for Santaco KZN I am currently the first deputy president of Santaco and the chairperson of Santaco in KZN. My relationship with SIYAZI goes back more than seven years now to when Thulani ‘TP’ Kubheka was still alive. TP was a partner of SIYAZI Thula in KZN. Together with Mr Sias Oosthuizen, who is an engineer, we started discussing a plan of how we were going to be taking the taxi industry forward. We forged ahead with our relationship and when taxi scrapping was formed, where we scrapped old vehicles, our relationship with SIYAZI was further strengthened. The advice that SIYAZI and Mr Oosthuizen have given the taxi industry has always been for our benefit. We even went further to name him a taxi operator without a permit – an illegal taxi operator – because he is always at the taxi ranks and he interacts with taxi operators at a grassroots level, so he can talk operator to operator. More recently, when the IRPTN was put together in Pietermaritzburg, we then said we would want Mr Oosthuizen to be the advisor of the IRPTN Steering Committee. And he has been doing a great job since we started the IRPTN up until now, when, unfortunately, the municipality and the department have run out of funds. In terms of where we are with the process, Mr Oosthuizen still gives us advice on how he feels we should take the taxi industry forward. Really, he has such a passion for what he does, and his love of the taxi industry is clear to everyone he speaks to. SIYAZI has consistently supported Santaco since its inception in 2001. It was Mr Oosthuizen’s idea when scrapping was formed that Santaco’s provinces should form part of scrapping. And he was the one who put the trust together that assisted the regions and provinces in being able to benefit from scrapping. This has helped the taxi industry a great deal, with many of them having bought offices, which was his idea, and today, those offices are 100% owned by the industry through his assistance. He has not been selfish. He wants to assist wherever he can in the taxi industry, as well as the whole country. One of my greatest personal achievements in KZN was being the first one to form and establish a training academy. We, as the taxi industry, need to encourage the training of taxi operators, training of taxi drivers, and everyone who is involved in the taxi industry. It is important that they go for training so that we all know how best we can run our business. I am also known for making sure that in KZN, we buy our own regional offices with whatever money we get. This is supplemented through our partnerships and the partnership that we formed with Toyota, which assisted us in buying those offices. We also have a very good working relationship with the Department of Transport in KZN, and they have helped us to achieve many great things for the taxi industry. Where do I see Santaco nationally in the next five years? If I’m elected as the president of Santaco, I would like to see unity within the taxi industry. I strongly believe that if the taxi industry is unified, it will have peace and stability. Everyone wants to associate themselves with an industry that is peaceful and can uplift our communities from a socio-economic perspective. And I’m sure we can establish better partnerships with all the businesses that have a link within the value chain of the taxi industry. And we can form those strong relationships to help the tech industry go forward. That’s where I want to see Santaco in the near future; that we become part of the insurance industry; we become part of the dealerships; and become part of owning our own service stations – an entire value chain that is involved in the taxi industry and that we need to be part of going forward. SIYAZI INDUSTRY CHAMPIONS SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 37

POLICY + LEGISLATION POLICY + LEGISLATION One of the areas in which policy and legislation have featured and one that SIYAZI wholeheartedly supports is the formalisation of the taxi industry. Figures from Santaco show that taxis transport around 72% of the commuting public. Despite the massively important role taxis play in moving people from A to B, the industry is not subsidised in the same way as other public transport such as buses and trains. However, over time and as the taxi industry has become more developed with better governing structures and regulation that have led to sustained stability, it can look forward to enjoying the same subsidies as other modes of transport. While discussions are still in a nascent stage, SIYAZI hopes that, as the taxi industry is better supported, it too can reach its full potential of becoming an equitable and investible business that is a major economic contributor. Policies and the legislation that upholds it are among the most important aspects of how the transport industry operates. In addition, municipal by-laws affect how the industry operates locally. In this regard, SIYAZI plays an important role as it consults to and informs these processes. SIYAZI has been heavily involved in providing guidelines that inform the development and implementation of legislation specific to the transport industry. Within this space, SIYAZI assisted with the writing of the additional clauses that now forms part of the existing National Land Transport Act (2009). The City of Tshwane is said to have the best integrated public transport network in South Africa. SIYAZI has been pivotal in providing guidelines to the City to ensure it is able to develop a world-class transport system that betters the lives of the public. THE SIYAZI APPROACH As an industry leader within the transport sector, SIYAZI has the following approach when it comes to policy development: 1 Determine needs and problems 2 Generate solutions to address the needs and problems 3 Design policies to support and protect the proposed solutions 4 Implement the policies supported by extensive public participation and awareness 5 Monitor implemented policies 38 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SIYAZI has assisted Santaco in the writing of its constitution and presides over each of its elections to ensure integrity and transparency.

COVID-19 RESPONSE SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 39 SIYAZI supported the Santaco*kZN roadshow that encouraged road safety and compliance, including roadblocks where roadworthiness, overloading, operating licences and driver PDPs were checked COVID-19 RESPONSE 2 020 is a year that will be forever etched into our minds. For us at SIYAZI, we saw the transport industry deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic together with the sudden changes it brought about. Today, as a result of industry collaboration, we have been able to overcome many of the challenges brought on by the pandemic to protect and safeguard the livelihoods of some of the most vulnerable members of our industry. SIYAZI Group of Companies donated hand sanitisers and stands to be used across the Santaco Parys region’s taxi facilities

40 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION COMMUNITY OUTREACH + YOUTH COMMUNITY OUTREACH + YOUTH 40 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SIYAZI Thula supporting Paralympic Basketball Mr Oosthuizen speaks during a Santaco Youth Desk event held in September 2021 Jubilation as gogos in KwaZulu-Natal receive blankets We at the SIYAZI Group of Companies believe that the future of the transport industry and the country lies in the collective hands of the youth. This is why we strive to promote excellence in education by rewarding top performers and supporting several school-based initiatives. We achieve this through our various provincial subsidiaries and national footprint. While the SIYAZI Group of Companies focuses strongly on the transport sector – and the taxi industry in particular – it is also acutely aware of the impact it has on community growth and development. Thus, this plays a key role in its objectives, and the company aims to support projects and initiatives that support communities within South Africa.

SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 41 COMMUNITY OUTREACH + YOUTH SIYAZI supports Makubung Creche in Limpopo A 2019 school uniform event in Tshwane at BEFORE AFTER which SIYAZI was a sponsor Prizes are awarded to top performers at Mshadza Secondary School School outreach event for Umgungundlovu Regional Taxi Council where school uniforms were donated to schools in Pietermaritzburg. The initiative was driven by SIYAZI Thula

TRAINING + CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING + CAPACITY BUILDING STEP-BY-STEP CAPACITY BUILDING WITH SIYAZI Understanding the people’s needs through consultation Developing dedicated capacity-building modules Training people and trainers to uplift the skills and knowledge of communities Enhancing the human element Training in the correct procedures Monitoring to assess if any further support is required 1 2 3 4 5 6 S outh Africa is currently facing a major employment crisis. Two of the areas that can eliminate this issue are the development of skills and training as well as capacity building to ensure that there are opportunities available that can be married with a skilled workforce. We at SIYAZI are working to create and support various training and skills development programmes within the transport sector. This is coupled with our efforts to ensure that there are structures in place to provide wider prospects suitable for workers within the industry. With this, we believe we can develop a more sustainable and accountable transport sector that also encourages best practice in areas such as compliance, traffic management and road safety. To build a skilled workforce, SIYAZI works to create transferable skills across a range of competencies within the transport industry. We are also well versed in capacity building and follow a clear process to develop relevant programmes that are suitable for the people we are upskilling. 42 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION

ACCESS TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY SIYAZI believes in fair and equal opportunity for all. Therefore, the development of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) is central to how the company works to create access to prospects that could result in improved socioeconomic standing. We know how to facilitate the formation of cooperatives for the taxi industry or any other business group of a community. If a cooperative structure is correctly assembled, it is a highly effective way of stimulating SMME development and creating prosperity. Another area in which we create access to opportunities is through transformation. In this regard, SIYAZI advises businesses on areas such as how to become BBBEE compliant, as well as how they can support SMME growth and development. ACCESS TO OPPORTUNITY The minibus-taxi industry should become a partner in the development projects, not necessarily by running a project but preferably by benefiting from the spin-offs and profits produced by the development.” SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 43 SIYAZI determines how to provide greater access to opportunities for previously disadvantaged workers by first understanding the sort of business structures that would suit their needs (companies or cooperatives). We then develop a capacity-building strategy that enhances existing skill sets and abilities. Finally, SIYAZI assists with the creation of a marketing strategy and helps the entity secure its first few clients. SIYAZI monitors ongoing progress so that we can provide further support and input if need be. In 2000, Sias Oosthuizen and Moses Mhlambi coauthored a paper titled ‘The Need to Formalise the Taxi Industry – Action is Long Overdue’. One of the areas identified as an opportunity was the inclusion of taxis in development projects. The paper states:

CREATING A SUSTAINABLE SIYAZI SIYAZI’S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 44 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Through our provincial offices and our nationwide footprint, together with the various role players across the entirety of the transport value chain, SIYAZI is delivering effective and long-term solutions to meet the needs of the transport industry and the communities who rely on them. We achieve this by providing excellent and cost-effective services that not only meet our clients’ needs but also their development goals. Throughout this process, SIYAZI endeavours to support previously marginalised individuals and communities by ensuring they have the means to participate in available employment opportunities. SIYAZI aims to build a more sustainable transport sector by providing safe, secure and reliable traffic- and public-transportrelated solutions and facilities. We leverage our experience and expertise to catalyse job creation that maintains a balance between engineering solutions and the potential to create job opportunities. With 25 years in the industry, SIYAZI has vast technical experience with a staff complement of qualified traffic and transport engineers and a team to support our data gathering and collection efforts. Within this, we have also ensured that there is strong community participation and the upskilling of individuals to support our surveys and participate in our data collection drives. There is no success without a succession plan.” Sias Oosthuizen Further, SIYAZI uses its knowledge of local circ*mstances and conditions to benefit clients and communities. With SIYAZI acting as a link between these parties, we ensure the successful and sustainable implementation of projects through the creation of liaison committees. In this way, we can also ascertain the impact that projects may have and understand how to best position these so that they meet the objectives of developers while ensuring that vulnerable communities will not be compromised and that the project does, in fact, serve their interests. In creating sustainable solutions, SIYAZI works closely with a number of role players, policy- and decision-makers. We have also previously partnered with several industry bodies to bring various projects and initiatives to fruition and to realise objectives that filter down wealth and benefits to those who most need it. As part of its vision, SIYAZI aims to create an industry that benefits its stakeholders and role players. We are driving this through the creation of several business entities and bodies. This is very much in line with the establishment of the SIYAZI Legacy Holdings company in 2018. Long after the founding directors of SIYAZI retire, our succession will be determined by our legacy, and we at SIYAZI believe that the future of the transport sector lies solely in the hands of those who form part of this industry’s value chain.

ESTABLISHING AN EQUITABLE INDUSTRY ESILUX SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 45 During 2013, the Polokwane Municipality commenced with a planning process and the engagement of affected transport industry role players for the introduction of the Polokwane Integrated Rapid Public Transport System (PIRPTS). A Memorandum of Agreement was entered into between the Polokwane Municipality and the affected taxi associations for Phases 1 & 2, and was signed at Polokwane on 23 April 2015. The PIRPTS Phase 1A service was introduced and the full PIRPTS is planned for completion in four phases by 2030. To allow for service testing and industry capacity building, it was proposed that the Phase 1A interim service be planned. This interim service is aimed at offering the minibus taxi industry the opportunity to develop the requisite capacity to: manage larger-scale bus operations in future; alleviate overcrowding on current services; and provide a universally accessible service that establishes the foundation for Phase 1 & 2 services to be negotiated in terms of the 12-year contract, as provided for by the National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009. Members of the affected taxi associations structured themselves into commercial entities in order to participate in the shareholding structure of the Vehicle Operating Company (VOC), with whom the Municipality entered into a three-year interim Vehicle Operating Contract Agreement (VOCA). Here, SIYAZI served as a technical advisory company, responsible for assisting all affected operators and related minibus taxi industry governing structures with their participation in the processes. The three affected taxi associations for Leeto la Polokwane Phase 1A are: a) Westenburg Taxi Association b) Florapark-Pieterburg Taxi Association c) Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association. The three affected taxi associations have formed a private company named Esilux (Pty) Ltd to serve as the VOC that operates the bus service on behalf of the City. Esilux has concluded a threeyear interim contract through a negotiation process for the Leeto la Polokwane Phase 1A footprint. The three-year interim Vehicle Operating Contract commenced on 1 September 2021. The objective of Leeto la Polokwane is to transform that taxi industry in the Polokwane Municipal Area and, accordingly, the objective is to capacitate the affected operators to enable them to provide the services in an efficient and effective manner. This objective has been achieved to date, since the employees and board of directors of the company consist of transformed members from the three affected taxi associations. There is still a long road ahead, but the taxi industry is proud of its achievements in this regard and the supportive role that the Polokwane Municipality plays. Esilux would like to salute all taxi industry members who contributed towards the establishment and operationalisation of the VOC, especially to those who passed on and did not see the promised land. Lastly, Esilux would like to thank other VOCs in South Africa for the opportunity we have had to visit them and receive their advice. A special vote of thanks needs to be provided to George Link (Pty) Ltd, VOC for Go George, which acts as a mentor for Esilux. This is highly appreciated. EMPOWERING ENTITIES ESILUX (PTY) LTD Some key role players from the taxi industry related to Esilux (Pty) Ltd Interaction between George Link and Esilux

UKUSEBENZISANA UKUSEBENZISANA INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD SIYAZI is incredibly proud of its achievements and, in a bid to create a sustainable transport industry, an area in which we can support this is by providing equal job opportunities and building the capacity of our employees. Our initiatives to empower our workers include the upliftment and empowerment of our staff through the company Ukusebenzisana Investments (Pty) Ltd, which has 40% shares in SIYAZI Legacy Holdings (Pty) Ltd – the mother company of the SIYAZI Group of Companies. Ukusebenzisana Investments (Pty) Ltd is a 100% black-owned company with shares in UKU Empowerment NPC. The objects of the UKU Empowerment NPC are to benefit black employees through several means. One of these is by providing financial assistance for further education and skills development in the form of scholarships, bursaries and/or cash awards. Cash awards are also mobilised to provide financial assistance to charities and/or community beneficiaries. Additionally, in terms of the UKU Empowerment NPC policies, it can facilitate one or more of the below activities: • Acquire and hold securities issued by a profit company to operate as a share ownership programme for those who cannot look after their own affairs. • Directly or indirectly, individually or together with any other person, carry on any business, trade or undertaking consistent with or in addition to the objectives stated, where these activities are conducted in a non-profit manner and with altruistic or philanthropic intent. • No such activities are intended to directly or indirectly promote the economic self-interest of any director of the company, other than by way of reasonable remuneration payable to that director. • All such activities are conducted for the benefit of, or would be widely acceptable to, the public at large, including any sector thereof, to promote one or more social or socioeconomic activities for communal or group interest. The distribution of income and assets received by the company is used to carry on and facilitate any one or more of the below public benefit activities, as well as support the development of poor, needy communities and antipoverty initiatives. This includes the promotion of community-based projects relating to self-help, empowerment, capacity building, skills development and antipoverty. It also extends to the provision of training, support or assistance to community-based projects consistent with the previously stated objectives. Further, it supports the provision of training and assistance to emerging microenterprises to improve their capacity to start and manage businesses, which may include the granting of loans on such conditions prescribed by the Minister of Finance from a regulatory perspective. Lastly, the UKU Empowerment NPC aims to make provision for poverty relief in line with the promotion of economic transformation as envisaged in the objectives of the BBBEE legislation. This is to enable the meaningful participation of black people in the economy and increase the extent to which communities, workers and other collective groups own and manage existing and new enterprises, increasing their access to economic activities, infrastructure and skills training. 46 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DIRECTORS Ronell Lock Leon Roets Kgomotso Tudi Nepa Herman Mafafo

INGWE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS INGWE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD Over the years, the taxi industry has been opposed to the 4IR revolution passenger transportation services that encompass e-hailing. This is because taxi operators who own minibus and metered taxis have viewed e-hailing as competition that was ‘stealing’ their passengers as a result of the ease with which passengers can access the service at any time of day. To an extent, this remains true. There is also the fact that e-hailing in its current form has by-passed many of the provisions set out by the NLTA, which taxi operators need to comply with. This has contributed to the existing perceptions held by taxi operators towards e-hailing. Ingwe e-Hailing Service is the only solution developed by the SIYAZI Group of Companies for the local taxi industry designed to align them with the 4IR developments regarding passenger transportation service. The local taxi industry has played and continues to play a huge part in the lives of South Africans through generations by providing the most reliable public transportation services across the country and beyond our borders. With this, SIYAZI aims to align the taxi industry with 4IR passenger transportation services such as e-hailing as their biggest ally in serving their respective and common interests. We at SIYAZI believe that the time has come for the taxi industry to adapt to changes brought about by technological advancements while protecting its business by overseeing public transportation services of all types. SIYAZI’s role within the Ingwe e-Hailing project is to uplift the local taxi industry while following the provisions of South African legislation as stated in the NLTA. Ingwe e-Hailing Service was developed to solve a range of problems South Africa is currently facing relating to e-hailing, which negatively impacts the safety of passengers who use the service. It also ensures the protection of e-hailing operators from violence brought about by misunderstanding the system. SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • 47 Ingwe launched in January 2021 and, within just 10 months, it had completed 27 758 successful rides from 43 486 ride requests. It currently has 5 484+ registered passengers, which is steadily increasing each day. Since the beginning of our operation, we’ve created over 40 job opportunities within the Ehlanzeni region (Nelspruit). Ingwe is still looking forward to opening more job prospects and business opportunities for the region. Due to overwhelming requests from other provinces, SIYAZI plans to roll out the Ingwe e-Hailing project to the minibus taxi industry’s regional structures throughout the country. Ingwe Travel Solutions is a Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) driven solution in line with the National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009 (NLTA). It is aimed at providing a safe, affordable and convenient option to improve public transportation for commuters.

IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Thokozani Khumalo Moren Ndlovu Sibusiso Kubheka TP Kubheka 48 • SIYAZI | 25-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The SIYAZI Group of Companies would not be where it is today if it weren’t for the people who have served the company. We would like to acknowledge those who have lost their lives over the years. To our professional colleagues, public transport industry colleagues, clients, friends, and the many taxi operators who have lost their lives, and in particular, those related to Covid-19, or those who have passed needlessly as a result of violence, we say alale ngoxolo.

SIYAZI 25 YEARS Book 2021 - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.