The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)

Chapter Text

*Closer to the heartland of Hoenn that day, a portly old man cuts a ceremonial ribbon in front of a building - that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, from one end to the other - with a much younger man to his side, giving him a round of applause, as the crowd around them quickly do so afterwards.*

Portly old man: Well, it is with great pleasure…that I, Wattson, can finally say…these last 10 years of work have finally paid off! Now, Mauville City can proudly say…that we are the first city - not just in Hoenn, but the entire world - to have made the switch to 100% solar energy! But, of course, none of this would be possible, without the funding and research provided to me by my great friend…Dominic Turo! Give him a hand, everyone!!

*Everyone claps and cheers wildly, as Dominic gives a friendly smile to everyone, while he waves to the crowd.*

Wattson, once the applause had begun to die down: Well, with that, I won’t keep you waiting for any longer. Ladies, gentlemen, Pokemon…I welcome you…to the new-and-improved Mauville City!!

*The pair watch, as the crowd around the city’s massive perimeter begin spilling into the self-contained city, as Wattson can’t help but shed tears of joy at the sight.*

Wattson, walking up to Dominic, on the stage: Well, ol’ friend? We finally did it, you and I. First it’s Mauville…but what city do you think will turn into the next self-energy-reliant city in the world? Tokyo? Or Castelia City, perhaps?

Dominic, shaking his head: I don’t know, Wattson…but I do know one thing. Whoever takes things from here…it likely won’t be me, I’m afraid.

Wattson, looking genuinely disappointed: What…? But…your plans were essential to getting…everything up and running! You still have so much left to give this world…and you’re so young, too…!

Dominic, shrugging: You said it yourself just now, did you not? I’m young! And yet, ever since graduating college, I’ve been giving it my all, in helping you to realize this…self-reliant-Mauville-City dream of yours. I’ve barely had a chance to explore my own dreams and desires, you know?

Wattson, smiling once again: Ah…I think I see how it is, then. Oh, to be young and free again, like the old days…

Dominic, reaching out to shake Wattson’s hand: Well, I’m afraid I want to start living something of a normal life for myself…before my old days. It truly was a pleasure working with you though, Mr. Wattson…

Wattson, reaching his arm out to meet Dominic’s offered handshake: …And it was a pleasure working with you too, Dominic. Tell me, if there’s anything I can help you with in the future…don’t hesitate to ask, alright?

Dominic, smiling: I’ll keep that in mind, ol’ chap! Until next time, my friend.

*With that, Dominic was now free. Upon separating himself from the longtime project he had helped to bring about…the world was now his oyster. He could go wherever he wanted…because now…he was finally free.*

Dominic, thinking to himself, as he gazed in all directions, at what was essentially now the world’s largest megamall: Well, with all this free time I have now…what should I go and do now? I already have all the money I could ever need, thanks to the old man. I wonder as to where life will end up taking me…now that I’ve fulfilled my only goal in life?

Blue’s voice from nearby: I’m telling you Red, the Gym is that way!

Red, rolling his eyes: Blue, that sign looked ancient. It’s the digital displays we should probably be following. And those all say that the Gym is in the exact opposite direction.

Blue, sounding defiant: Well if that’s the case, shouldn’t the old sign have been updated too? I mean…why would these guys go to the trouble of redesigning this entire city…only to not update the signs outside the city too?!

Dominic, chuckling, as he intrudes into the boys’ argument: I apologize for butting in, but I couldn’t help but overhear your plight. The old sign you’re speaking of…did you happen to spot it on Route 110, perhaps?

Blue, nodding: Yeah! But…how’d you know that?

Dominic, chuckling: Well, as the brains behind this city’s transformation, our digital signs are indeed meant to be the end-all, be-all tools, when it comes to navigating this great city. However, we were only approved to upgrade Mauville City, I’m afraid. Anything beyond the city’s limits is out of our jurisdiction, hence, why those old signs have yet to be updated. I do apologize for the confusion they may have caused you, but that stuff will have to be updated by the Hoenn League…whenever the matter crosses their minds eventually, hahaha!!

Blue, scratching the back of his head: Ah, so that’s why the signs seemed to be contradicting each other. Well, thanks for the heads-up, gramps! Wish us luck in our Gym battle!!

Dominic, staring at the flesh on his hands, as Red and Blue run off: Gramps…? Do I…really look that old already?! Maybe I really should have left the project even sooner than now, if the kids think I’m that old already…

Professor Sada’s voice, emanating from nearby: You aren’t that old, you nut. In fact…I think you’re quite handsome…if I was into technogeeks, that is.

Dominic, gasping, upon hearing the voice, and turning around to witness a woman dressed in some kind of cavewoman get-up: Who on Earth…

Professor Sada, extending an arm towards him: Professor Sada. I’m a Pokemon Professor, in the region of Paldea…in the future, that is. Right now, I’m just a researcher, like yourself…working on behalf of the Colress Corporation.

Dominic, as his initial weariness begins to fade away, as he obliges Sada’s handshake-offer: The…Colress Corporation? AKA…the man who marketed Pokemon Fusion to the masses…?!

Professor Sada, nodding, with a smile: The one and only! You see, I’m here on business, for ol’ Colress…tracking down this pair of kids for him. Around 10 years in age, one kid wears a lot of red, and the other’s a real blue fanatic. Seen any kids like that lately, by chance?

Dominic, sounding surprised: Er…yes, actually! I talked to a pair of kids looking like that just before you arrived! I pointed them towards the city’s Gym, so if you head over there, I’d imagine it should be pretty easy to find them…especially with the line forming over there! So many Trainers have been waiting months for the chance to battle ol’ Wattson, with how busy he’s been lately!

Professor Sada, smiling: Is that so? Well, if they’re stuck in line, finding them should be all the easier, if I had to guess. You have my thanks for the tip, mister…

Dominic, bowing to the woman: …Turo. Call me Turo. …It’s a cooler name than Dominic…in my opinion, at least.

Professor Sada, with a grin: Duly noted. May we meet again…nakama.

Dominic, as his eyes widen at the Professor’s final word, as he debates with himself: Nakama…? Is she learning Japanese on the side too…?! Or…does she mean that she…oh…oh my…

*Meanwhile, in a different part of the newly-self-reliant-city, Blue lets out a yawn, as he and Red stand in a line, waiting to enter the city’s Gym.*

Blue: Man…we really picked a bad day to come here, huh? I say we just ditch this place, and go take on like…any of the other Gyms in Hoenn today, instead.

Red, shaking his head, gazing at the atmosphere around him: And miss out on views like these? I don’t know…I think this indoor city thing they have going on is all sorts of cool.

Professor Sada’s voice, interrupting the pair’s thoughts: Too modern for its own good, if you want my take. The designer’s kind of a hunk, though.

Blue, gasping, immediately recognizing the voice, even before he noticed the figure: Professor Sada…?! Why…are you all the way here in Hoenn…dare I ask?

Professor Sada, smiling, as she crosses her arms: Colress was just a bit worried that the Triad may not have been as…thorough, in their efforts to find and locate you. As such, he tasked me with that job. Fortunately for me, tracking down a pair of kids dressed in clothes matching their very names…isn’t exactly a hard feat. Now, come with me, and we shall pay Colress a nice visit, at once.

Red, taking out a Poke Ball: No way we’re going with you…and my team could use a bit of practice before we meet the Gym Leader anyway! Pikachu, get a Thunder ready to be fired!

Professor Sada, chuckling: Please, kid. Don’t make me laugh. Salamence, get out here, and Mega Evolve! Take out that Pikachu, with your Double-Edged wings!!

*Red and Blue could hardly believe their eyes, as they watch the Professor’s Salamence morph and change before their very eyes. Whatever happened to the Pokemon, it seemed to have gotten instantly more powerful, being able to dodge Pikachu’s Thunder strike with little trouble at all, along with knocking it out, in just a single strike.*

Blue, hardly believing his eyes: What the heck…just happened to your Salamence, lady?

Professor Sada, shrugging: What? Hasn’t anyone heard of Mega Evolution? Oh, wait…I’m a few years too early to that development, aren’t I?

Red, shaking his head: I don’t know what this…Mega Evolution stuff is, but whatever it is…I don’t think you should be trusted with it. Charizard, get out here, and melt that Dragon-type with your Dragon Breath!!

Professor Sada, rolling her eyes: Do you really think a substandard Dragon move like that could hurt Mega Salamence? No…show them how a real Dragon does it…with a Dragon Pulse, Mega Salamence!!

*The pair of Draconic beams get fired out, but Mega Salamence’s easily overpowers Charizard’s, causing Charizard to take a good chunk of damage from the knockback alone.*

Professor Sada, grinning: A paltry effort. In the future, your Charizard could amount to so much more, you know. Too bad you’ll never get to see that day for yourself! Mega Salamence, show it your Thunder Fangs!!

Red, sounding worried: Charizard. Keep that thing’s mouth open with your Dragon Claws, and then breathe into its mouth, with more of your Dragon Breath!!

*Mega Salamence glides down to Charizard’s level, with his mouth having already been electrified, and crackling with electricity. Undeterred, Charizard encases his claws in a thick, draconian coat, of sorts - before using his hardened claws to keep Mega Salamence’s mouth open. Then, with a blast of draconic energy, Charizard breathes a solid stream of it into the powerful Salamence’s mouth. Soon enough, it ended up fainting.*

Professor Sada, calling her fainted Mega back: Volcarona, keep up the momentum with a Double Team maneuver.

Red, sounding unbothered: Charizard, swoop into the air, and fire an Aerial Ace at all those afterimages!

*Charizard proceeds to do exactly that, and produces a wide beam of air that slams into every duplicate Volcarona, along with the original, as it gets hit hard…and faints.*

Professor Sada, shaking her head: Skarmory, slice that thing’s wings to bits, with your Razor Wind.

Red, pointing to Skarmory, as it sharpens the air around itself: Don’t give it the time of day! Fire Blast, Charizard!!

*As Skarmory begins to meld the air around it, this leaves Skarmory as a sitting duck…or, bird perhaps, as Charizard easily lands a massive Fire Blast into the Steel-type, KOing it nearly instantly.*

Professor Sada, sounding annoyed: No more kidding around. Primal Dialga, come forth, and unleash a Roar of Time!!

Red, sounding alarmed: That thing again?! Charizard, use your Dragon Breath!

*Charizard tries in vain to blast a dark blue flare towards Primal Dialga, but it ends up just becoming absorbed by the void that Primal Dialga’s Roar produces…as the void quickly begins to widen, sucking the air around it inside, like a black hole of sorts.*

Blue, sounding alarmed, as he points at the small void, which seemed to be expanding at a significant rate: Um…Red? What is that thing supposed to be…?

Red, sounding concerned too: I don’t know, but maybe Charizard can overload the portal…with a Fire Blast, or something! Do it, Charizard!!

*Charizard blows a massive fireball into the void, but it only seems to get absorbed, like everything else, as the boys both back away from the portal, which had now grown to be about their height in size.*

Blue, shaking his head: Well, if overpowering that thing’s out of the question…what do we do now?!

Red, scratching his chin: Well, Primal Dialga was the one who formed the void, right? What if we force Primal Dialga into it? Maybe it’ll cause a…singularity of some kind?

Blue, nodding: I have no idea what half those words meant…but your logic does check out, at least. Alakazam, take control of Primal Dialga with your Psychic powers, and make it walk into that void portal thing!

*Alakazam appears, and encapsulates Primal Dialga in a pink aura. The beast then looks down at Alakazam, only for Alakazam to look horrified, and topples onto the ground afterwards.*

Blue, sounding worried: Alakazam…what happened?!

Alakazam, streaming his thoughts into Blue’s mind: That Dialga’s mind…it’s distorted…and broken beyond repair. I don’t know what that lady’s done to that Pokemon…but I couldn’t manage to keep its mind controlled for more than a few seconds, before it…ejected me out of its consciousness.

Blue, sounding alarmed: So it’s immune to mind-control methods, too?!

Red, shrugging: Not surprising, considering it’s a Steel-type. Even Psychic-types have issues with them. But luckily for us, Fire-types definitely don’t! Charizard, take to the air, and force Primal Dialga into the portal, with the threat of a Fire Blast!!

Professor Sada, scoffing: Primal Dialga, finish that Dragon wanna-be, with another Roar of Time!!

*Primal Dialga Roars once again, causing the portal to expand quite significantly, as everyone in the immediate area - including Red, Blue, the Professor, and their Pokemon…now found themselves in a weird, distorted space of some kind. There were, however, two people who Red didn’t seem to recognize. A boy around his age, and a girl with dark green hair, who looked to be around his age too.*

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (1)

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding surprised over the sudden arrival of the group: Hey…Red? Who are those people?

*The blue-clad figure turns around, staring stunned, at the people he saw behind him. Red, too, has his eyes affixed to the man’s eyes…upon realizing that this had to be…an older version of himself?!*

Older Red, sounding alarmed: I…I don’t know how, but…I think…that’s my younger self…and Blue!

Dark-green-haired girl, sounding alarmed: If that’s the case…do you think we did it?! Did we find a way…to break the cycle…?

Older Red, noticing the Primal Dialga behind the pair, as the void begins shrinking away behind them, too: Not yet, we haven’t. We’ve still gotta deal with her, first. Iron Moth, get out here, and use Magnesis, now!!

Professor Sada, gasping, upon hearing those words, as she thinks to herself: Magnesis?! How…how could he have known about that technique?! Let alone possessing that Pokemon…unless…

Professor Sada, stepping forward, pushing the two young boys in front of her to the side: You there…tell me, just how did you procure a Pokemon like that?

Older Red, sounding surprised: You…don’t know? Just how far back from the past did you come from, ‘Professor’?

Professor Sada, shaking her head, as she grabs Older Red by his shirt’s collar: Don’t toy with me, young man. If you know something about the future that I don’t, you MUST tell me…!

Older Red, chuckling, as he hears Professor Sada’s Poke Balls get magnetized to Iron Moth’s wings: What I know about the future? Lady…you couldn’t even begin to handle what I know. Ivy, hand me Primal Dialga’s Pokeball.

Ivy, nodding, pulling the Master Ball off of Iron Moth’s magnetized solar wings: R-right! I… assume this one’s gotta be the Dialga’s right? I mean, it’s the only Master Ball in the group, so…

Older Red, taking it from her hands, and crushing the Ball in his fist: Thank you, Ivy. Now that this poor soul is released from her control…how about we put an end to this loop, once and for all?

*Older Red reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his own Master Ball, and quickly absorbs the Primal Dialga into it, before it can escape. The Ball quickly clicks shut, as Red stares into Professor Sada’s eyes, with a grin of satisfaction.*

Older Red: Good. Now that Primal Dialga’s under my control, let’s break this cycle once and for all, shall we? Get out here, and use Roar of Time, Primal Dialga!!

Ominous, booming voice, from somewhere nearby: Not so fast, you don’t! Dynamax Cannon!!!

*Just as Primal Dialga begins to Roar once more, a sinister, otherworldly Dragon appears just behind the corrupted beast, and blasts it with an immense beam of draconic energy. Primal Dialga lets out a pained cry, after only being able to produce a void just big enough to absorb a few people from within it. It gets shot forward, absorbing younger Red and Blue, along with Professor Sada and Charizard, into its radius, before disappearing. Then, just as quickly, the group found themselves back in Mauville City, with all three Trainers left rubbing their heads, upon falling onto the paved and polished floors of the megacity.*

Blue, sounding slightly pained, upon their fall: Man…just where… were we just now? Surely that wasn’t really an older version of you, was it, Red?

Red, shaking his head: It…it had to have been me, Blue…he had my voice, my eyes…everything! The only thing I didn’t recognize…was that girl who was with him, and that Pokemon he used.

Professor Sada, getting herself in order, as she stands herself back up, in a hurry: Well…although I cannot fathom where we ended up just now…clearly, you two are a bigger threat than even Colress seems to realize. That said…with Dialga gone, I’m now all out of Pokemon. I will retreat…this time. Count yourselves lucky, you two…

*Professor Sada leaves the group, as Blue and Red exchange concerned glances, as they pick themselves up off the ground.*

Blue, frowning: Well, whoever they were…that place they were in looked pretty…bleak, didn’t it? I mean, there was no sky, no civilization…or anything!

Red, nodding: Yeah…thinking back on it now, I kinda wish I had the guts to speak up, and ask them a few things…

Wattson, spotting the pair, as he locks up his Gym for the night: Oh my…what happened to you two? You both look like you’ve seen your fair share of spooky Ghost-types just now, wahahaha!

Blue, noticing the digital clock display, being showed above a building located next to the Gym: Woah, Red! Check it out…it’s already 10 PM…and we didn’t even realize it!!

Wattson, letting out another hearty laugh: Oh, yes…that would be a side effect of my completely-indoors-city here, wouldn’t it? Wahahaha…had so much fun, that you two lost track of time today, eh? Well, I’d be more than happy to take you two on, even if I just clocked out for the night, wahaha!

Red, shrugging: I…guess you could say that. Charizard, stand by, and ready yourself for battle! Charge up a Fire Blast, now!

Blue, nodding: Yeah, Nidoking, get out here too, and ready your Horn Drill!

Wattson, chuckling, at the boy’s preparedness: My, battling a couple of little veterans, aren’t I? I’m not sure if my Pokemon are up to your caliber per say…but we’ll give it our best shot all the same! Magnethorn, let loose a Thunderbolt, and shock that Charizard out of the air! And Rochu, use a Grass Knot, to trip up that rocky Nidoking!

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (2)The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (3)

*Magnethorn flails its Magnemite-like heads towards Charizard, as they fire Thunderbolt after Thunderbolt at the aerodynamic Fire-type, but in the end, just one Fire Blast is enough to take it out. Meanwhile, Rochu punches the ground, causing two small vines to rise up, from out of the cracks of the floor tiles, forming a knot that ensnares Nidoking’s foot, and causing him to suddenly fall to the ground, mid-charge.*

Wattson, sounding quite impressed: Already took out one of my Pokemon? You two are good…but not good enough, wahaha! Electrowool, take Magnethorn’s place, and unleash a Discharge into the area! And Rochu, now that Nidoking is prone, use the opportunity to finish it, with a Shadow Ball!

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (4)

Red: Charizard, forget the Discharge, and finish it with a Fire Blast!

Blue, chuckling: And do you really think that Nidoking is done for, just because he’s fallen down? Show him just how wrong he is, with an Earthquake!!

*Electrowool lets off a terrifying Discharge into the area, which hits Charizard briefly, but none of the other Pokemon seem to mind at all. This isn’t enough to stop Charizard from launching another massive Fire Blast into the fused Pokemon, taking it out just as quickly as the one before. Nidoking, meanwhile, gets on all fours, before shaking the ground above them in a hurry, which seems to short-circuit Rochu, causing it to faint, before even being able to focus long enough to fire off a Shadow Ball. Left with no Pokemon left, Wattson lets out another laugh, before handing Red and Blue a pair of Dynamo Badges.*

Wattson, with a big smile on his face: Well, you two definitely stole the show, I’d say! Even with all the Trainers I’ve battled today, I’d say you two definitely took the cake, when it comes to how strong your Pokemon are!

Blue, shrugging: Not surprising, given how we’ve both been around the block a few times now!

Red, nodding, as he adds his 18th Badge to his collection: Well, no matter the case, you put up a good fight too, Wattson. But, tell me…you haven’t happened to see Mr. Pokemon around anywhere, have you?

Wattson, shaking his head: Not at all, I’m afraid! Don’t tell me something’s happened to the poor League chairman…!

Red, shrugging: We’re not sure ourselves…but we’re still pretty worried. Hence why we’ve been traveling around Hoenn, trying to find him.

Wattson, smiling: Well, if I happen to find the man, trust me when I say…I’ll let him know you two were looking for him, wahaha!

*The trainers say their good-byes to each other, as Red and Blue head to the local Pokemon Center for the night, to cap off the…very strange day they ended up having.*


*That night, Professor Sada receives a video call from Colress, on her PDA. Upon answering, she sees Colress’ usual calm-and collected face, smiling back at her.*

Colress: Ah, Professor Sada, tell me, how has the kid-wrangling been going?

Professor Sada, sounding troubled: Well…about that. While I was able to track down those kids, Primal Dialga took me into…what seemed to be the future, during our battle. I encountered an older version of the one kid…and he stole all my Poke Balls, with that…Iron Moth Pokemon you invented.

Colress, sounding quite surprised: My Iron Moth? My, that’s a fair bit concerning…if it’s really the future you happened to see, and not an illusion, of some sort.

Professor Sada, frowning: I can assure you, what I saw…seemed too real, to be anything but the future. It was strange…and bizarre. But most importantly…my Poke Balls were taken from me, thanks to that…Magnesis move you programmed.

Colress, chuckling quite jollily: Oh my, is that so? Well, that’s certainly Iron Moth, then! Perhaps I'll be able to fund a whole army of them in the future, like you had hoped?

Professor Sada, nodding: Perhaps you will…but my problems now lie in the present, seeing as all my best Pokemon are gone now. Perhaps it’s best that I head back to Kanto, to procure some new Pokemon from you?

Colress, frowning: I’m unsure how well I can help you in that regard right now. You see, I’ve had my hands full, keeping out of the public eye for a bit, until Mr. Pokemon resurfaces again. As such, I’m afraid my lab will remain unattended, for the near future…until things change, at least.

Professor Sada, sighing: So…I’m essentially on my own right now, then?

Colress, looking sad: It would seem to be the case, yes. The Triad seem to be busy doing…something, and I haven’t been able to make contact with them for awhile now. As such, you’re the only confidant I feel I can rely on right now! So, please…do not let me down! If we can deal with those loose threads of the primary-color-boys, and old-man-Pokemon, no one will be left, to stand in the way of our science!

Professor Sada, nodding: I’m aware…leave it to me, then. I’ll find a way to bring them to their knees…by any means necessary.

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 29 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.